After 29 and a half hours of being "partially blind" and living like in hell, I WAS ABLE TO SEE THINGS CLEARLY AGAIN~ I HAVE A NEW PAIR OF EYEGLASSES AGAIN~ (My previous pair was broken because of my fantabulousness and— *slapped*)
Well... I've felt that I'm normal again. I can now do things easily — like watching animés and stuffs~ And I can now do chores without me being dumb and careless ('cause I'm always estimating things for I can't see it clearly...). And that's it~ ^^
Oh yeah... it's Friday and it's time to post an update again. And twelve more days to go before my wedding with my Sebby~ (Or is it with Shin-chan, or with Sinbad, or with Kai— *slapped*)
And before I forgot, in this story you, the reader, will be an animé enthusiast (just like me~). If you're not like that or not fond of that, then let's just pretend that you are~ ^^
A four-letter word that describe your state right now — quite of.
Yes, you were busy. Busy in the sense that you were munching chips while sitting comfortably on the couch and watching, or shall we say, having a marathon of watching different animés. And you're quite enjoying this thing — REALLY enjoying it.
Focusing on what you've been watching, you never notice that your loving boyfriend, Kim Minseok, went down the staircase coming out from your room. He, afterwards, walked towards your direction and pecked on your cheeks. He even sat beside you and wrapped his arms around your waist — acting as a sweet boyfriend.
And because you're a naughty girlfriend, you've decided to tease him a little bit. You're going to ignore him up someone will raise up his/her white flag first. And you silently prayed that you'll won this this, of course.
He kept on kissing you up until he reached your jaw then your neck — giving you wet butterfly kisses. And because you have an "iron heart" (A/N: Waaaah~ Reader-ssi is like Kiyoshi Teppei-ku— *slapped* Ouch~!), you're trying your very best not to fall from those kisses by focusing on what you were watching.
You didn't even give a flinch but a light tint of pink was slowly showing on your cheeks. And you need to get rid of it or you'll lost in this game.
"H-HOLY GUACAMOLE~!! WHY ARE YOU SO HANDSOME, KUROKO~?! WHY~?! WAAAH~!" you said while giving a bit of your acting skills.
Xiumin immediately reacted with what you've said. He eventually turned off the television and turned your body for you to face him. And there, you can see his pouting face with a little sign of jealousy on it.
"YAH~! ____ [Y/N]-AH, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THAT~?! WHY ARE YOU IDOLIZING THAT.... THAT.... THAT GUY OVER THERE~?!" he asked you in jealousy while pointing the DVD cover placed on the table.
And because of his adorableness, you immediately giggled cutely and haven't controlled yourself from doing it. Xiumin gave you a confused look because of your sudden action. He even gave you a tight hug while looking at you in a cute way.
"So, ____ [y/n]-ah... You better choose wisely. Is it me or that blue-haired basketball guy?" he asked you again.
But before you answered his question, you messed up his hair first and gave him a kiss on his lips.
"Of course~! I am choosing my Minseokkie-oppa~!!!" you answered — smiling.
"___ [Y/N]-AH~!! LOOK-Y~! LOOK-Y~! LOOK AT ME, ___ [Y/N]-AH~!" Xiumin shouted happily while running towards the kitchen where you were currently located.
As you turned your head, shock was written on your face. Your adorable boyfriend was cosplaying your favorite animé character, Kuroko Tetsuya of Kuroko no Basuke. And he looks cuter because of it.
"YOU'RE SOOO ADORABLE, MINSEOKKIE-OPPA~" you said, pinching his baozi cheeks.
"Now, you're not going to choose between us anymore for I am now him~!" he answered, giving you a cute wink.
Now, you're loving your boyfriend even more~ ^^
Hope you'll all like it, chingus~ *thumbs up* *wink wink* *sparkly aura*
~ ☆ YANNI LEE ☆ ~
(150807 — 10:59 am)

EXO Imagines and One-Shots
RomanceA compilation of original EXO imagines and one-shots made by the author.