10)When everything comes together

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We made it and Eyebags was up. We all hugged him, and he seemed lost. "Eyebags it's not your fault I know this was the day your trauma started to start, and I know I should've been there, and I should've tried harder. I'm sorry"

Eyebags looked at me and I saw his eyes come back less depressed than usual and I knew my dipshit was back. Me and Eri hugged him and talked his ear off, and  we laughed while dad and papa got us food.

Yeah, I guess papa is sticking for me like that fits Hizashi.


Eri POV:

Guess who texted me?

Shoto my brother crush, well we been texting lately because he wants to ask Katsuki out buttt never knows when because of our family shit. We haven't gone in a mission this week and next free we are for sure.  Shoto is very nervous.

He been stressed texting me like who text a 12-year-old when they're stress.

"Hey Eri, I need your help" Katsuki asked.

"What do you want?" I asked... "Just come in my room oh ok".

I couldn't say no so I went. The halls where so bright from the light outside the window. I walked hearings a floorboard creek  just free more steps.

I went into Katsuki room slowly and then he closes the door behind and then I got scared. He's RUNNING A TOWARDS ME!!! panic flood inside me and then he got me and hugged me on the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to sound calm. "Look up" he said, and I did, and it was our first movie. Me and Katsuki were just like us. It was called "Alice in Wonderland." Then I looked in the corner and I saw a strawberry shortcake and two gifts.

"My favorite" I said out loud "you said I needed a better brother to you so I'm starting now". I Just can't believe he's actually trying no one ever did that before not even my own brother.

Then my phone started to ring and then I remembered what I needed to do today. "Um giving me one minute my friend is calling me" it was Shoto, and he need me to tell cause to bring me to the park.

I came back "Hey bro can we go to the park today?" I asked with a hint of nervousness "sure give me a minute" he said getting me out of his room.

I went to my room and got ready myself I put on my crop top and some baggy sweats, and I put my hair in two pigtails.

An hour later-

" Yo Eri I'm ready, wanna go? "Katsuki asked, knocking on my door. "Yeah, ask Toshi if he wants to come too," I said. "Alright,"Katsuki said. Few minutes later Katsuki came back and Toshi was with him. Toshi was in his black hoodie looking tired asf ngl.

We left for the park, and we were quiet as hell and Toshi was on his phone the whole time and Katsuki was just in his head.

We soon  headed there and then I spotted Shoto... great the plan it is working. "Um how about over there "I asked, pointing where Shoto is.

They nodded and then we headed over there and saw Shoto, I saw an immediate blush on Kat's face.

"Hey Bakugo" Shoto said, and I just lead Toshi to a brush and we high five "Omg I didn't know you were an actor like passing out like damn" okay, okay let me explain. Me, Shoto and Toshi have been planning this for a month.

We fake the passing out and Katsuki being a bad brother, practically everything. Just for this point and I'm in a mafia of course I can turn off my kindness like who can't.

Bakugo Pov:

"Bakugo, I liked you for some time since we were in the texting stage. I love everything about you, and I just want to ask if you would be my boyfriend?"

Am I dreaming? Did Shoto just ask me out like me?



I walked up and just kissed him. I felt his soft lips and it was so smooth and I felt like it was just us in the world, no one else just us.

"I'm guessing that's a yes," he said, giving me another kiss.

Then I heard voices. I turned around and it was Eri and Eyebags "took yall long enough fucking bitch" Eyebags said. "Oh my god shut up bitch" I said.


Ok I'm gonna let you in on a little secret Eri will have a secret sibling in the near future and their will a lot of turns of events I hope you can sit back and get prepared for this juicy thing.


Bye my lOvELlYyY'S

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