4)☆A mission?! But why now? ☆

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|Hello, my fellow friends I'm writing from my computer like I now have a computer!|
|Anyway, I know I said I will do damage hero next but I'm not in the mood so new chapter for Mafia YAY!! |

|This chapter should be long or short depending how I feel. |

|No one is totally not getting hurt in this chapter. |

|oh yeah by the way there is going to be a new way I'm going to write this layout, I guess! |

| For real there's fucking ERRORS and it's my DAMN AUTOCORRECT |



Bakugo pov:
I woke up to violently getting shook and i practically jumped out my sleep and i saw Shota shaking me " Bakugo get on your outfit now, it's time for your first mission.This is not no joke!"

He left my room and walked out of my room fast and I got up quickly without wasting any time. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and guessing i had to leave quick no shower then .

I left the bathroom and found my training outfit and put it on and I left in a hurry leaving my phone but I make sure to get my gun.

" Kat, know what this is about ?"  Eyebags asked coming out of the room walking out with me " I'm in the dark just like you and where's Eri?" I asked walking down the stairs with Eyebags " I'm down here guys, what is this about ?" asked Eri getting up from the couch " we both don't know but they said it wasn't a joke so no room to fail" i said more seriously.

" kids this way in the back" Hizashi said with a box in his hand and he ran outside " let's go guys" I walked out with my guard up.
We went into the backyard with the treehouse and climbed up. We got inside and held onto each other as Hizashi pulled the lever and we went down. Hizashi practically ran with the box in his hands as we followed him.

We saw Shota as we ran in " kids i know it's night time and this mission probably won't end until tomorrow but this is important now come with us to our office" so this about a mission? But why now and what the fuck makes it important.

We made it in their office and they closed the door behind us. " Listen, there has been this other mafia who we have been rivals since my grandfather was alive. They are very dangerous but we got you three now and this will be your first mission as yall know . your mission is to infiltrate one of there bases because there taking this deadly virus that would kill millions and possibly billions.

Eri you're going to act like you just stumbled there by accident of course they will take you because they probably need a subject to try the virus out. And while this happening Shinso will seek in the vents and kill the guards and will hack the cameras and yes I mean kill because if you don't kill them they will for sure kill you.

One of our hackers here will help you out Shinso. Bakugo you will seek on the other side taking out each guard in your way and find the virus and find Eri and we will we come after getting info at another one of their bases."

Are they crazy ?! this is a suicide mission and we only learned how to fight one day ago or two. WHATEVER that's not the point ! the point is this is crazy and putting Eri in danger like that !! " This is crazy and stupid and dangerous. What are you thinking about Shota ? What if Eri gets hurt or worse killed! This is fucking crazy and insane" i said glaring at him.
" I know this is crazy but trust me . i know what i'm doing i never let one of my man die and definitely not you kids and you won't get better unless you do these types of things" Shota said and I will trust him but he better not be wrong.

We got ready and left. We're  at the base now, it's a warehouse that's totally not predictable . we got out the van that was few blocks away so no one see or hear us.

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