Chapter 1

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Pheromones, the main eccential that influences the lives of us people. In my world we humans have secondary genders that defines our placement and how our lives moves on forward this secondary traits is what defines as what they say for the alphas the highest and sout after gender. 

Are known for its dominant trait, a trait that seeks control, athlete, intelligent and strong, it's pheromones and aura are know to make others yield before them the apex of all apexes they say, who wouldn't want to be like that? But that's if you can get through the occasional rut without damaging someone we'll continue that topic later on.

Then there are my favorites the betas, the gender that takes up most of the population, they are simple people average one might you do have the ones who stand out from time to time, the betas get rut don't smell pheromones its ever so rare that get affected by the problems other the other genders. 

And lastly the oppressed creatures, omegas, weak, frail and fragile. They are the creatures that cannot be defined by gender male or female it doesn't matter they can still reproduce their pheromones curses them periodically in the form of what we call heat, it's much like an alpha's season and once these two collide It's lose sanity and both side. We avoid that unless mated.

I am not a beta nor omega, Alpha yes, although sometimes I don't feel it. Let me introduce myself I'm Keith Alexis and this is me trying to find my path as an recessive alpha

"Keith! Come over here!" 

I look over to see my friend Derek he is an alpha a very dominant alpha no one question his gender, no one dares to challenge him, he is a leader who is excellent I admire him.


I walk over as he soon wrapped his arm around my neck, he smiles. "Later this weekend we are having a little get together you better come understand? Don't bailout on us okay?" 

"I won't trust me," 

Derek is from a well off family so am I but not as much as his, like his friends Hansen and Sam from higher social standing but no one can scratch the Vangraf family. And to be honest I like the authority I get when hanging around them, it makes me feel like great.

"Move out way!" 

Derek push beta male out the way and continue walk through the hall I said nothing since that beta was in way and there where four of us. It's a known fact no one should stand in the way of alphas, we are at the top of social ladder and everyone else is beneath us. 

Soon we all entered the classroom where we saw my favorite omega so for Makenzie, he looks me and waves giving me a friendly smile. Derek hold me tightly grinning, "waving to your omega now Keith he is cute," 

I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled, "he is not my omega," I corrected him though I'd like it to be that way. 

But Makenzie already has a boyfriend who he is planning to make his mate, I get so jealous thinking about it every time. 

"Then why don't you make it that way?" 

"Hm? What?" 

"Hmm, I have an idea why not carry him to our get together? Once he get a great look on how great his life is with you he won't even bother with Garfield, haha I mean what kind of name is that? No nerdy half bait alpha is a match for us," 

I think for a moment if I can get MacKenzie to like me at this get together then of course, after Derek has the best get together on the planet. Garfield stands no chance.

After all MacKenzie was my childhood friend we should be sweethearts as a matter of fact, I won't lose to you Garfield MacKenzie is mine.

After school was over MacKenzie was waiting at the class door with me along with Garfield, it's normal for us to all walk home together I can be driven but I prefer to walk with my beloved MacKenzie but why is Garfield always intruding on our time recently!

I growl under breath but hid my distance as my MacKenzie holds my hand guiding me outside. 

"Hey MacKenzie, next week Derek is keeping a get together why don't you join us?" 

MacKenzie slow his steps letting go of our hands did I forgot to mention he was holding Garfield's hand as well but Garfield was stuck in a book such a boring alpha. 

MacKenzie looks at Garfield then at me with concern, Garfield finally puts the book down. Seemingly to have a silent agreement with MacKenzie that I don't know about!

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Author has something to say; pick a cover

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