Chapter 2

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Garfield sighs, "I don't think that such a good idea," 

I look at him annoyed, "why?!" 

"Your 'friends' are alphas and MacKenzie is an omega," 

"So what? I'm an alpha you're an alpha beside you think they are gonna do something MacKenzie they are scums," I defended my friends.

Yeah Derek and the others are arrogant but they aren't really into doing those things, I've seen it although it's bad we've been to adult parents and Derek hates being flock by omegas. He said he is waiting for the right one he is a cool and amazing alpha! I admire him greatly. 

"Well, there action are exactly not scum worthy." 


"Guys, guys please don't fight," MacKenzie cut between us.

"Well, MacKenzie be honest he is naive I'd your friend were an omega he'd already be bitten chewed and spit up due to his idiocy," Garfield said almost seemingly annoyed.

"Hey I'm right here! Beside he won't be the only omega and if you are so concern why don't you come!" 

After it'll be better if we compete and MacKenzie sees how cool I am and ditch this boring nerd, he looks at me then give me a mocking smile. I growl gritting my teeth. 

"You sound like a pup," 

MacKenzie then chuckles with a slight blush, "you two are like an old married couple," 

MacKenzie proceed to skips forward, "he I take that insult very personally!" 

"Who knows, I've always been curious about alpha and alpha relationships," MacKenzie said.

"Hey, don't mock me!" I yelled.

Despite him dating the bookworm he sure like to tease me like that, soon I feel his hand ruffling my head. "Hurry up," 

"Don't tell me what to do!" 

After arriving home, I met into my older brother he is really tall he as expected is an alpha. Our family is fill with generations of alpha. 

"Well isn't it the pipsqeak Alpha," my brother mocks me.

"Hey! I'm still growing!" I blush embarrassed at my height.

"When I was your age I was still growing but I still wasn't as tiny as you, hahaha" 

"Alright big foot!" 

As guess, my brother is huge as in 6 feet plus huge like most typical alpha. 

"Oh, Kurth don't bruse his tiny pride so much, he is mommy's dumpling after all," my sister jokes behind the sofa.

"You– to hell with both of you!" 

I said before running towards my room once reach there I close the door behind me, I am the youngest of four children. My oldest brother who is working in the same company as dad you know Vangraf, then there are the twins Kurth and Ruth the ones who was so uselessly teasing me! They work I'm different companies but they are here wasting time.

My parents are mostly busy so I was either left alone or with a nanny, so most of my time consisted of hanging out with friends. 

I took an evening shower then went to check out my homework which I wasn't good at of course, but who cares for studying I'm an alpha we are successors of life! I threw my book back on the bed as I went on the computer and attach the gaming pc to it and call Derek as I begin to start. 

"And here I thought you'd try and at least study," I heard Derek said sarcastically.

"Studying is for wannabe nerds I don't need to study," I said.

"But I study am I a wannabe?" 

"Of course not! You're gonna be! You're cool you don't have to," I said. 

Derek is so cool!

"By the way, did you get your omega to join?" 

"Of course! So are we on this weekend?" 

"Yes, no worries," 

I'll surely flatten that stupid Garfield!

Soon the weekend came and sadly Garfield had ditch out because of stupid rut, alphas typically experience rut 6 times the year that last about a week or less. I only experience it about 3 times 2 maybe, it doesn't really pass 3 days for me. My alpha pheromones aren't very strong so it isn't because of dominant genes but rather recessive, so in other words I'm barely an alpha but I'm an alpha none-the-less!

MacKenzie looks at me nervously, "hey, Keith are you sure… um this is a good idea?" 

"Of course! You'll enjoy it! You love video games right? Derek has plenty of games! Not mention food and snacks!!" 

MacKenzie smiles warily, but I then hold his hand. "Trust me, trust me" I said gently.

We soon enter the huge mansion where the butler guide us to gaming room, there was like a small party, there were drinks, music and games, there were some omegas and alphas barely any beta. But one thing there was plenty of…


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