Chapter 19

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Keith's POV 

I look at the man that's supposed to be my husband who was on the phone talking with someone while in rut and I'm here watching.

He soon hung up the phone combing his hand through his hair seemingly irritable, he groans before taking a robe and putting it on. He starts heading for the door, I look at him 

"Where are you going?" 

"Out I won't be bad until my ruts over," 


"Go to bed," he said coldly.

I was worried it's not good to travel in these conditions, I stand at the top of the stairs and watch as the man who was supposed to be my husband walks down and away at the door and another make enters, with a small sniff my stomach churns and  stinging sensation reaches my nose.

An omega…

I watch him leave this house with an omega, I feel miserable, incompetent. Even as an omega I'm no good, I can't even do something so simple. 

What am I supposed to do? I went back to our bedroom but I didn't sleep. 

Instead I cover my head with sheets and cry. It's the only solace I had, my tears, it's all I'm good for, it's always been with me. I feel terrible. 

I must've cried the entire night because when I removed the sheets, it's already after 7, I'm so tired. I'm tired of crying, of feeling sad but really is there anything I can do about it? 

I cover my head with sheets once more wrapping myself inside, I feel light headed. His pheromones are everywhere and I still feel comforted by them, why am I even sad? 

It's not like there is anything else to our relationship, I can't fulfill that part so what's the point? I feel drawn out tired of being myself.

I don't feel like doing much anymore, I just want to lie here for a while. 

I'm hot, my nose is stuffy, did I cry too much? 



"Hmm?" I answer hoarsely 

"Um, I haven't seen you down for breakfast and it's after lunch so I brought you some food, smoothie." 

I don't feel good, I don't even have an appetite. 

"Excuse me but I'm coming in," she said opening the door.

I couldn't move much so I couldn't stop her, she opens the door turning on the lights she walks up to me. 

"You don't look so well," she touches my forehead then hissed. "Sweet child your on fire, don't worry I'm here," 

She quickly place the food on the table next to me then heads out the room she came back a while placing an ice pack on my head and thermometer in my mouth after a while she takes it out and looks at it.

"That's concerning, should I call a doctor," 

My head is beating, everything is dizzy I can barely hear what she was saying. I want to sleep I feel so tired, my body is weak somewhere between conversations I black out. 


"If only you were an omega, then I'd make you mine," 

I can't move, get him off me! Help me! Help me! Someone!

"I know, how about I try now?" 

"What are you gonn– ACK!!"

"Something that will make you mine forever, they say the teeth and jaw is able to bite off your finger but the mind just stops it, but I'm sure if I bite you hard enough, wouldn't that be a mark?" 


I could feel a sharp pierce below my nape, biting into my skin. the pheromones spreads as he tries to inject it into my body, "IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!!" 

My body was in pain, his teeth sank into my back as if he was ready to tear my skin off blood runs down my neck and back. I'm reaching for something but there is nothing, nothing to stop the increasing pain nothing to stop him. As my hand stretches out for help he draws it back then hold me by my arms as I he pulls his teeth out, "there you go, isn't that beautiful." 

My vision is blurred, my body is in haywire it's trying to reject the pheromones. 

Will no one…  help me?

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