Chapter 16

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Keith's POV 

It's late in the evening, Mrs. Ross already cook dinner she wanted serve me but I told her I'm waiting on Mr. Luxe. I'm still drawing though soon that smell enough my nose again his pheromones.

I was about to get up to go see him but he was already at the door, I pause looking at him as he looks at me.

"You haven't eaten," his tone was cold.

"I was waiting on you so we could eat together," I said.

"Don't do that, I'm not always home early, you will go hungry if you wait," he sternly.

It felt as though he was scolding me, I nod slowly. "Yes," 

I just didn't want to eat dinner alone, but guess I cause trouble.

"Let's go eat," he said.

I walk towards him carefully, as he leads ahead. We went to the dining room where Mrs. Ross serves our dinner. I look at the plate then slowly thought. 

"Too much food," 

"The leave what you don't want," 

I look up on the opposite side of me to see him cutting into the tender meat, I must've have unconsciously said it out loud.

He didn't reflect any emotions as usual just that simple cold expression. I look down at my plate not sure where to begin, she I start at the Mach potatoes or the vegetables? I don't know, I'm losing my appetite. Maybe I should drink something first, but I'm not feeling thirsty. 

I can't no eat anything when I already said I would eat, I look up thinking maybe I could start by seeing his but was ultimately startled by his eyes staring at me deeply. 

My heart beats fast, that was unnerving. He hold the glass by the mouth under his chin then asks with one finger points out.

"Is the food not to your liking?" He asks his eyes not removing from me.

"No it's fine," I answered nervously playing with my fingers.

"The chicken is deep season and tender too, the mash potatoes is so you can have an easy time eating after all you have bad digestion," he said as he sinks the fork into the meat and the chicken easily crumble apart.

"Bad digestion," I then frown looking aside, dad must've told him about it.

During the times I could barely eat, I had a nutritionist recommening food that might help to improve my appetite and broaden my eating habits but I couldn't I just couldn't eat soon I had to rely on supplements for a while. But still my nutritionist didn't give up until I could finally eat something but in small portions and when ever I tried going over my limit I'd throw it back up. 

So that's what they meant by bad digestion. 

"Then is there a problem?" 


"Then eat," 

I'm nervous, I've lost my appetite. I can't eat this, "I'm not really hungry, all that much," 

"Really, what have you eaten then?" 

"Well I had lunch," I said.

"What type of lunch?" 


This feels awkward he is staring at me it's making me nervous, I soon pick up the fork and dig into the mash potatoes and eat it a little. I don't feel so well.

"Don't force yourself," he said sternly.

I look up, doesn't he want to me to eat? 

"When you force yourself your gag reflex kicks in and you'll throw it up," he said.

That sounds familiar. 


"You're not hungry I'm not forcing you to eat, I'm questioning on what you ate causing not to be hungry," 

I soon play with my fingers, "um a ham sandwich… and juice," I squeeze out.

"How many?" 


"I know Mrs. Ross's sandwiches are often stuff with many ingredients but one sandwich is still not enough to maintain someone… did you take two? Three?" He questions with his fingers tapping on the table. 

I feel bad, "um… half," 

"Two and a half?" 

"Half," I repeat

"One– half half?" He said as if there is an almost concern I'm his voice.

I nod slowly, the room goes silent. 

"Do you have an eating disorder as well?" 

"Well, sort of" I mumbled, "I just can't eat a full meal," 

"What about drinking?" 

"I do like drinks but I can't always drink can I?" 

This is weird it's like last night but more tense I can feel tension everywhere. He pauses thinking. 

"Then I'll have Mrs. Ross make you smoothie for tonight, you can't eat and something in my gut is telling me there is no point in forcing you," he said.

I was confused, he wasn't angry. Was he annoyed then? He didn't seem so?

I don't know anymore.

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