Chapter 7

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Ruth's POV 

I'm outside, I with my brother Keith he gives me a sad expression. Ever since Keith been like this things have not been the same I hate to think this way but of Keith was born an omega we'd be more prepared, it's an unspoken rule always protect your omega but incase you can't be prepared for the worst.

Keith wasn't an omega now he became one not mention he's now pregnant with his rapist's child, MacKenzie and his family moved our parents paid them and even though they wanted more money threaten to sue for blackmail and with Keith's recent medical records we stood better chances in court and so they backed off. 

"The investigators are being blocked," 

"What?" I ask

"I just talked to Sunny, the investigators are being blocked but base on the investigations so far everything happens at the Vangraf company and by the looks of it Derek Vangraf is involved." 

I don't want to believe it, he was so nice, he wasn't overbearing when we meet him he seems to have cared a lot about Keith. I can't ask Keith, I can't bare to see him suffer more, I don't want him having to relive it over again. 

"I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them," I said.

"Ruth you can't, dad's planning on switching hospitals and retiring from their company. He switching hospitals to another place where he can rehabilitate, he wants to protect Keith have him for away from this place. He feels terrible," 

"Of course he would! What loving parent would not?! He is only a 16 year old boy hear me?! He should be running causing mischive while learning about life falling in love getting heart going through teen stuff!!" 

"Ruth, calm down your too loud," he said 

I went quiet, I'm just so angry frustrated, I want to vent my anger. Kurth came and hug me.

"I know, I know, but none of has the power to change what happen." 

Keith's POV 

My stomach growled, I'm finally eating though still not often as I use to but I'm eating. My body feels weird, I touched my belly it feels bloated for some reason.

My body just doesn't feel like my own, I've become skeleton compare to my former self. I truly now look like a pipsqeak, if anyone saw me they think I'm an omega. 

I paced around the room, I can't do much around here I can't go outside my room because of my phermone disorder. It's something I must have gotten when that day happen, I was expose to several different pheromones both omegas and alphas then whatever he inject me with and finally. My body trembling at the thought of that night. 

I tried turning my mind away there isn't much to do, in this room I can play video games and watch movies but it gets boring. I want to talk with someone friends but I don't want anyone to see me like this, pathetic, disgusting and weak. 

Suddenly the door opens and I saw a familiar face, I froze, it's Garfield he looks so tall, I feel intimidated. Garfield is MacKenzie's boyfriend he hates me now he is probably here to beat me up, I'll take it, I'll take it, it's the least a scum like deserves.

Garfield brows furrowed, he looks like a mess. Though it's now that I'm realizing Garfield is actually quite the looker. Light blond hair it almost looks like silver silk, his thick arched brows his soft pink thin lip and the mouth ring makes him looks all the more attractive. His tall eyelashes that flutters over his eyes, he looks more like a thug than his usual nerdy self. 

He looks around and seemly snarls at the surroundings, "you seem to be enjoying yourself." 

I could hear the scorn in his voice, but it's what I deserve.

"N-no" I stuttered.

"Oh really? You should be rejoicing, MacKenzie moved away you won! You succeed in ruining an omega's life! Cheers!" 

I could feel his pheromones, my body is trembling I can't breathe, it feels as if something is choking me. 

"S-stop" I stuttered unable to speak. 

"Stop? You didn't, ain't it nice having rich parents?! Ones that could pay off their son's crimes," 

I fall to my knees, my breathing is heavy. The pheromones…

"Not to mention, we can get more omegas for our son!" He mocks condescendingly.

"Urghhh!!" I yelled out feeling immense pain.

"This room has the stench of omega!" 


My stomach hurts, it feels as if something is tearing inside me I fell to the grown curling up. I suddenly heard shuffling and shouting.

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