Chapter 5

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I'm on the bed, lying down a few hours  the doctors had to inject me with a sedative to calm me down. They are now talking with my parents.

3rd POV 

Outside Keith's hospital room door was the doctor discussing matters with Keith's parents. The look on there faces where devastating as they confuse on what is going on with their son.

"I'm sorry but your son is in a very delicate situation right now, he is showing signs of ptsd which is affecting his reaction towards pheromones," 

"What do you mean?" 

"A few hours ago your son showed signs of rejection towards pheromones, throwing up, becoming panic and having seizures this doesn't happen often and certainly not alpha's in this way," 

Keith's father Fernan looks at his wife Beatrice, concerned. 

"Is there a reason why this happens and is there way we fix this?" 

"This mostly happens due to extreme events and changes in area for instance an environment that's usually low I'm pheromones or high sometimes it can happen when the body is induce with extreme dopamine of pheromones intoxication, it rarely happens there aren't many instances for sure but what's known is people with this disorder cannot function in there every day life because of this, alpha and omega population are growing rapidly so it's gonna be hard to find a place with low pheromones." 

The doctor breathes he looks inside then back at the people.

"There isn't a known cure for this, often times alpha or omegas with pheromones rejection don't last long and dies unless they find a partner to match their pheromones with enabling there tolerance towards pheromones," 

"So, we need to find an omega with matching pheromones, right?" Fernan said hopeful.

"Yes, should I put a search for matching pheromones?"

"Yes! Please!" 

Keith's POV 

My parents soon came in to check on me after speaking with Doctor, my mom looks at me rubbing my arm.

"I don't know what happened between you and MacKenzie, but I'm sure you didn't do it? There is no way my precious son would dare stoop so low," she spoke softly to me.

I look away from her unable to tell the truth, she will hate me if she does after all I'm a disgusting rapist. I drag my hand away from her unable to bare anymore touching, I could hear her soft sobs my father most be comforting her but I can still feel his eyes on me. 

I didn't speak to anyone even when they were trying to get me to talk, my oldest brother who like to call Sunny. Maybe because he was always so sunny but now it seems even his sun sets.

"Pip, please if you're not gonna talk eat something, don't you want to big strong alpha?" 

Sunny was careful not to touch me, it seems they told him that I don't like being touch. I know I'm being a nuisance and once the learn the full truth they'll abandon me. 

"Hey Pip, we really need you to talk, mom and dad are being harass by MacKenzie's parents threatening to call the police." Ruth said ad if stressed.


"What we have to talk about it at some point! He is not talking not eating, mom and dad is stress and they are calling him a rapist while look at him! He looks a rape victim himself!!" 

Rape… rape… I could smell Ruth's pheromones in the air and soon the memories comes back, I hold my head screaming.

"Urghhh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't want to I swore I didn't want to, I didn't, please! I didn't mean, forgive me! Urgh!!" I scream my lungs out as my heartbeat escalated.

"Pip! Please calm down. We aren't blaming you pip, Ruth get the doctor!" 

Sunny was trying to calm me down as Ruth went to get the doctor, as my body began to spasm. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, my body hurts. 


My body shakes as Sunny tries to pin me to the bed, he looks terrified as if faced with something seeing something terrifying. I've never seen my brother terrified but the only thing that was processing in my mind it's pinning him down. 

His towering figure contorted back to that night, Derek's figure pinning me down while choking me.

"D-don't… hurt me!" 

Soon the doctor and nurses came in removing Sunny, seeing the many people made me remember MacKenzie and the many that pinned him down. I begin to scream and shout in pain as my body jerks I didn't realize I was beginning to foam at the mouth. 

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