Chapter 18

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Keith's POV 

I've return to my new home, soon Mrs. Ross came greet me. 

"Good afternoon young master, lunch is ready," she said.

"Um, I'm not hungry," 

"Oh," seemingly upset she bit her lips as if preventing herself from saying something. "Um young master, are you not please with my cooking?" She asks with a bit of hiss as if it slipped from her lips.

I look at her taken by surprise, "no, I like your cooking." 

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but it's not very long you have been here and you may not be comfortable but it's just that your eating habits is very… concerning. You're a young man and you should be eating but with the little food you're eating makes me concern about you," she explains. "So if it's my cooking you ca–" 

I smile weakly, "Mrs. Ross, it's not your cooking I just have a very weak stomach, which makes it hard for me to eat that's all. How about a smoothie? Will that be better?" I said.

Her face literally lights up, "a smoothie it is, no worries I won't make much, it'll have plenty enough nutrients!" She said encouraging.

I don't want the people here fretting about me, my family already doing a lot of that. As if on que my mother called, I answer.


"Pip, how are you?" 

"I'm fine, I just returned from my therapist appointment." 

"That's good, I hope Mr. Luxe is treating you well,"

"He is, he is just not very much talkative," I said.

"Is that a problem? Does he not listen?" 

"No, no, he has been listening quite a lot, haha," I slightly chuckling thinking about it.


The other side went cold for a moment. 


"It seems like you are being treated well, please keep well Pip. If you need anything we are here,"  she spoke gently through the phone.

"I know mom, I know," 

"We love you Pip," 

"I love you all," 

We hung my heart softens and small smile carve up my face as a tear falls down my eye, I love them, I love them so much, I wish they could be happy and not worry about me.

(A/n: I just want to hug and lock Pip in my arms protecting him forever, he is so precious and traumatized)

Later in the evening as expected, I look to the door of the living room to see Mr. Luxe he came and sit in front of me sitting on the table in front of me, he has some thug habits look at the way he sits.

I blink looking at my sketch, then back at Mr. Luxe. It's almost the same I soon start to draw in his upper eyebrow which he raises when I didn't say anything. 

Mr. Luxe soon got curious and held the top of my tablet and look, I blush looking away as if I was not shamelessly drawing him while doodling.

"Boss Luxe?" He questions with a eyebrow up.

I was embarrassed, I didn't know what to say I bit my lip. I feel like a child being caught stealing candy, "well… " 

"How about you tell me more about boss Luxe over dinner," he said getting up.

I follow behind him nervously, "it's just a simple sketch," 

"Simple? you offend me," he said almost sounding sarcastic. 

"Mr. Luxe" I whimper embarrassed. 

Maybe because of the silliness of the atmosphere I was able to eat a bit more than usual as I felt that Mr. Luxe was teasing me.

After dinner, we went to the master bedroom after both taking a shower I itch closer for a bit. Maybe I was feeling a bit comfortable, I look at him who already closed his eyes his messy hair was spread on the pillow, his eyelashes twitches a bit they were so long his face looks so peaceful, so relaxed. He was beautiful, but I am not worthy to be near such beauty when I ruined someone's life.

I ease back fixing my pyjamas and sleeping, I don't deserve good things. I should never wish for it, I could feel the coldness creeps at my feet as there was now a large space between us, I trembled in fear feeling it at my feet it was if someone was touching me rubbing up slowly and carefully.

I whimpered and shiver, but before I could sink back into my depression something yanks me back, I felt a hot breath brush against my neck as an arm wraps around my waist. 

"Stay closer, I want to smell your pheromones," 

I blush, as I felt is nose against my nape smelling closely. It tickles, suddenly he slowly licks it.

"Ah~" I moan I held my mouth.

It was then I realized, his pheromones was heavy. I turned, his eyes were glowing, he was in rut. I was wondering.

"Shit, it's too early,"  he cursed unbreath.

He sits up removing his sheet, stretched towards him touching him. "I can help," 

He looks at me for a while I was releasing my pheromones, he looks down then up at me and sad. "No, if I fuck you now you'll break in two." That was all he said before getting up off the bed and going to the bathroom.

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