Chapter 6

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Sunny's POV 

"It's for worse than we thought," the doctor said.

The worse thing parent could hear, I was sitting on the bench outside the room with my head down my hands trembling. I don't know to explain this feeling a mixture of many different feelings, I can still see my brother's contorting figure in my mind I can still feel the aggressive shaking in my hands as if possessed by something. My brother felt so fragile within my hands as if I put too much strength he'd break. 

I want to know who did to him? I want to know, I'll make them wish they where never born. I'll kill them, I'll end there lives and put them in hell. 

"What do you mean doctor?" 

"It's seems there is extreme changes in your son, that must proceed with caution." 

"What are you say doctor," 

"Well, if this continues the baby in your son may not make it," 

"What bullshit?! My son is alpha how can be pregnant?!" My father shouts as he grabs the doctor.

This caught my attention I walk up to the doctor, "Dad, calm down. Doctor what do you mean," 

"We have been doing regular blood tests and check ups and we recently discovered that you son is pregnant," 

"But how is that? Our son is an alpha," my mother said.

"Well, the patient has undergo a change along with his pheromone rejection. The heavy psychological damage and pheromones rejection it seems it caused a change within his body and now your son is an omega," the doctor informs.

My father's face drops in his palm, "HAHAHA HAHA HAHAHA," 

My dad could only laugh cynically as he takes in the news, how will we explain this to Pip. I'm sure it will break him allover again.

After speaking with Doctor my parents brought me aside and said, "let's not mention this to Keith yet, not until he's a little more stable," my father said.

My mother agreed and so did I for Keith's sake, he is so broken right he can't possible tolerate this news.

Keith's POV 

I was sleeping until I smell something in the air, it similar to seaside yet somehow fresh, I can picture the sunset, and butterfly the smell was unique it makes me want to go by the beach.

"Wrong room" I heard someone say.

I open my eyes to see someone leaving, I can smell his pheromones. But I wasn't in a panic in fact he smooths me it gave me a sense of safety, something I haven't felt in awhile. 

I don't want that pheromone to go! I tried getting out of bed, I want that pheromone. 

But soon I was stuck at the glass door, I can't pull it… I'm too weak but I want that pheromone. 

Sadly it's too late he was already gone, will I ever smell that pheromone again? 

Later, Ruth and Kurth brought me some games I could play. They seems a bit tense it's a bit awkward around me, ever since the accident nothing has been normal, I wish it could go back to the way it was.

"Pipsqeak, I know the hospital food is horrible so why don't we order pizza? How about your favorite? Pepperoni with extra cheese? Are you interested in pasta?" 

Thinking about it makes me hungry, I barely smile and nod. He smiles at me taking out his phone heading outside to make the call. 

I look at Ruth who was wearing an apologetic expression, the room was fill with awkward silence.

"Pip, I'm sorry to go down on you like that, I didn't hear your side of the story yet, it's just that I'm use many omegas going through a hard time and when I you did to MacKenzie I became irrational. You're my little brother you'd never hurt MacKenzie at least not intentionally, so please help me understand," she pleads.

I feel terrible, I'm making it difficult for everyone, my silence but I don't want them to hate me. I don't want them to be abandoned. It's my fault MacKenzie end up that way and then I—. 

I look at her my eyes filled with tears, "... didn't .… to…" 

She looks at me easing from the bed, "what?" 

I can't say much, it's been around four (4) months? Since I've spoken so now some words come out.

"...didn't want …" I repeat, she looks at me as if she understood and soon her expression softs.

"It's okay, you don't have to push yourself," 

She didn't understand, she was ready to get up and leave when I quickly grab her jacket "No!" I yell. 

"I… …… want to!" 

"... ….. want ..!" 

"... Didn't want ..!" 

Her eyes widen she holds the hand that was holding my jacket, "calm down, calm down,"

She then hugs wrapping her arms around me and patting my head, "I didn't want to" "I didn't want to" "I didn't want to" I repeated nonstop.

"It's okay Pip I believe you, I believe you, please calm down," 

I didn't want to do it, MacKenzie I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it. 

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