chapter 15

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Keith's POV 

I open my eyes slowly leaning up and yawning, I don't know what time it is but when I look on the other side no one was there. A bit of sadness washes over me as I look at the empty space there was, I guess I'm really attach to his pheromones. 

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I soon went downstairs and towards the kitchen, which I must say took me a bit of time. I've been here before but I still can't get use to this place, I had to use the map on the wall that instructed me to go left on the right wing, whatever that means. 

After a long journey in Oz I've found the good kitchen Glenda, I look around in the fridge for food. The place was stack as expected, our fridge are never empty except around the time we transferred hospital. 

At that time, the expenses piled up, hospital bills, therapy bills, mortgage on the new house, food bills, medications, pheromones treatment bills, house expenses, etc… there was a lot my siblings helped at lot that's how we had gotten out of this. 

I really wish my sins didn't reflect on my parents, I really owe them a lot for staying with such a sinner son. 

Taking out the eggs, sausages and bread I made the egg batter dipping the bread instead after removing the crust, I dip it in to the batter then look at the pot that was already hot and put the bread inside.

After making my two French toast with one beacon and sausage I walk to the dining room to eat by myself, it feels lonely but it's the loneliness I'm use to. 

"Oh My goodness!" 

I quickly turn started, it was Mrs. Ross the housekeeper. 

"You're awake? You did breakfast?! I'm terribly sorry it's just that I have forgotten you a bit I'm use to Mr. Luxe taking his coffee then leaving, you should have call me." She explains frantically.

"Mr. Luxe is at work?" 

She pause, "yes, he left early. I guess you were sleeping so he didn't wake you," she said.

I look down a bit sad, "I see." 

"Don't be sad, since you're here he'll probably return early." She said cheerfully, "um now, why don't you finish your breakfast while I think about lunch!" She said.


"Oh master, it's after 10." 

I widen my eyes, I slept in? I don't usually sleep due to my insomnia but I slept for that long? 

I guess it's only to be expected when you actually for once feel refreshed getting up in the morning or the usual headache a drowsiness doesn't get you down. I look at the cup of tea in my hands and smile softly.

"Oh, such a beautiful smile," 

I pause then look at her, "hm?" 

"Ah, don't mind me and continue your breakfast," she said politely as she waves goodbye.

I watch her leave the room, I soon look down on my plate forgetting to tell her I'm done eating. On my plate was a French toast and a piece of sausage, I ate one sausage and French toast I also ate the two beacon. Mom would say that's too little that I won't grow big but for some reason I can't keep my appetite, my therapist said that it may have to be with me subconsciously rejecting the food that it could be one of my defense mechanism I developed from my trauma.

She said sometimes trauma can do unexplainable things to people and reacts differently, it how you lead your life determines how it unfolds She also said I can't live a life if I'm stuck at that one day. 

I don't understand what she means by that or maybe I do but it's not that easy, when you're terrified to get past it. 

After placing the rest of the food in the chicken, I went in the living room on my tablet I use my censor stick and begin to draw. I focus a lot on Aesthetic and art when I'm drawing, I want there to be depth in there eyes so there is a lot of focus around them especially when it has very stoic character. 

So for I've only made two books and all of them are depicted as dark and twisted, so much that often times my readers sometimes jokes and ask if I'm okay. The two books I wrote is "Thə §inner's Ümbrełłã" and "The Mªd Consort's Second Life" now I'm making a comic on The Sinner's Umbrella, it's going well many are intrigued and going towards the novel to know the end but sadly they are broken by it. 

Yes, my first book. Sinner's Umbrella. 

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