Nice to meet you human ☺

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Note - This is my 3rd FF on wattpad. Wow. I didn't expect to do this but here we are. I hope you'd enjoy this story. Read ahead.
(Taehyung has no age in this ff so Jimin uses random honorofics for him.)

Jimin POV
The jerk of the bus woke me up from sleep. Well… it's better than missing my stop and getting another bus or cab to my home.
My apartment is a few minutes away from bus stop. I walk my way into my apartment and let myself fall on the bed. I feel so tired that I don't even want to change clothes…

As I close my eyes the incidents from this whole month start playing in my head.
?? - "Jiminshi.. Is this the best you can do? I don't pay my employees to do average work. You really need to get your life together and do best in this project. "

?? - "Hyung, why don't you get a girlfriend? It's been ages since I saw you with someone. "
?? - "Maybe his charm has faded. He can't pull anyone anymore.. Hahaha. "
?? - "Hey shut up. Why'd you say stuff like that? You jerk! Ahh… sorry Jimin Hyung. He's had a bit too much to drink. "
JM - "It's ok. I don't mind… "

Dad is calling -
JM - "Hello? "
Dad - "Heard you've been working hard nowadays. How have you been? "
JM - "I'm alright… Just going back home from office. "
Dad - "Ohh… I was saying, could you send me some money? About 100 Dollars? "
JM - ......Did you just call me for money Dad? "
Dad - "Noo! That's not right. I really need some money so I just brought it up. "
JM - "I'll see what I can do… I'll talk later. "

JM - "I really didn't say anything about you!! "
?? - "So you don't even want to admit your fault? Alright. "
JM - "What alright?? You think I'm a snitch? "
?? - "It doesn't matter anymore. I don't want to see your face ever again. It's better to not have friends than have someone like you! "

I see the ceiling blur in front of my eyes. Tears fill them now. I wipe those tears with the sleeve of my shirt. I've had people tell me that everything will be alright. But now I'm too tired. When the f*ck exactly is my life gonna get better? There's nothing left. When did my life…turn into this? This Shit?
I bury my face on the pillow and sob. I look at the sleeping pills near my bed. Should I…. I extend my hands to grab the bottle of pills but then bring it back. My movement stops and a shiver runs down my spine. A hand. I feel a hand patting my back. Am I dreaming? What should I do??
I grab my phone and jump as far away from the bed as I can. There he is… A guy in his late twenties sitting on the other side of my bed.
He stands up and I grab the lamp from my desk.
JM - "Stop!! Don't come near!! I'll call the police if you take another step!! "
I was just blabbering anything. I don't even have police's number on speed dial. The guy puts his hands up as if he surrendering.
?? - "Please calm down. I'm not here to harm you. "
JM - "Why else would a stranger be in my room patting my back?? You f*cking stalker!! Get out of here!! "
?? - "I'm not-"
JM - "I said get out!! Someone Help!! There's a-"
I couldn't speak further. I saw this guy snap his fingers and now I'm sitting on my bed and can't speak a word. What kind of hypnosis is this? Did he just paralyze me?
?? - "Please calm down first. I know it's really not professional of me to just appear out of nowhere. But listen, I'm not a stalker nor a burglar. I'm here to help you. I'm your Guardian Angel. "
The f*ck is he saying? Is he high on something?
?? - "Nope. I don't do dru*s. I don't drink either. And you need to understand that I am really your guardian angel. How else can someone make another person shut up like I've done to you? "
Is he reading my mind? No way. This can't be real.
?? - "I know it's difficult to believe but it's true. I've seen you since you were born. Um.. Not really since you were born but a little after that. I know you've been going through a lot lately and I'm here to help. "
I still don't believe you.
?? - "Yeah of course you don't. Let me do something that'll make you belive."
He snaps his finger again and now I'm in my pajamas. What the hell?? Another snap and he dissapears from my sight. A notice a green flam floating around the room and then it comes near me.
?? - "This is my true form. How do I look? Don't I look cute? "
He then turns back to a human and finally does a snap and I can talk and move again.
?? -"So.. Aren't I cute? "
JM - "This must be a dream… I'm tripping. "
?? - "No. You're not. All this is real. I am real. "
JM - "I cannot deny it. Can I? "
?? - "Nope. Well, now that you're finally convinced let me introduce myself…. I'm Kim Taehyung. The Guardian Angel of Human Park Jimin. "
JM - "Is it necessary to add human? "
Tae - "Yes. That's the format. Shall anyways, to light up your mood let me make you some food!! What'd yoh like to eat Jiminshi? "
JM - "Anything… "
Tae - "Anything is not a dish. Be more specific. "
JM - "Sigh..Can you make…Dumplings?"
Tae - "Sure thing! I can. "
JM - "But I don't have the ingredients for-"
Tae - "Worry not ~ I can get that. You just wait and watch. "
He goes into the kitchen and in about 10 minutes he brings out a plate full of Dumplings.
JM - "I still can't believe I'm not tripping… Are you a genie or something? "
Tae - "Did you already forget? I'm your Guardian Angel! Us and genies have similar powers but the difference is we have specific owners and we work for their wellbeing. "
JM - "And genies? "
Tae - "They are much more independent. You already know I guess. Three wishes and done. Simple life. "
I start eating as we talk.
Tae - "Can have one too? "
JM - "Of course. You cooked it. You can have as much you want. "
Tae - "Thank You!! "
He devours a whole dumpling in bite. He doesn't much like a Guardian Angel right now. Blond ruffled up hair. Dumpling crumbs and sauce on the side of his mouth. He is a really messy eater for being an Angel. I bring the tissue from the side table and hand it to him.
JM - "You have food all over your mouth.. "
Tae - "Oh.. Sorry. "
He gives me an awkward smile and takes the tissue.
JM - "So…why didn't you become a genie then? "
Tae - "Hahaha… me? Genie? No no. That involves too much travelling. And different people wish a lot of nasty stuff. I can't deal with that. "
JM - "Oo… so being a Guardian Angel or Genie is like a job? You choose what you want to do? "
Tae - "Yeah. Mostly. There's some souls that don't have a choice. They get an assigned job and do it as a punishment for past crimes. "
JM - "Woah… don't you have some rules or stuff. Like.. Not telling normal humans about your world? "
Tae - "Nah.. That's very old fashioned. Plus we work for Humans and I think they deserve to know about the people that take care of them. "
JM - "Then… other people know about Guardian Angels too?? Why is it not on social media then? "
Tae - "Oh my.. You have a lot of questions. Not every Guardian Angel can appear to their owner. Only those who have full trust in their owner can appear to them. "
JM - "Ooo.. "
Tae - "Aren't you touched that I fully trust you? Come on. Don't be shy. Say it. "
JM - "No I'm not impressed. I'm trustworthy. Why won't you trust me? "
Tae - "Cute.. "
JM - "W-what's cute? "
Tae - "You. How you think you're trustworthy and yet you don't mind when someone else tells you otherwise."
Trustworthy… am I really? Is he talking about-
JM - "I… Don't say that stuff. "
Tae - "Alright.. I might say stuff like this from time to time. That's how I think I can make you feel better about yourself. "
JM - "It doesn't make me feel better! "
Tae - "What does then? Dumplings? I can make you more if that's the solution. "
JM - "You-"
Tae - "Hm? "
JM - "I'm feeling sleepy. You can go now. And… thanks for the Dumplings. "
Tae - "Go? Where? Oh nono… I think you got something wrong… I've always been with you. Always. And even now I'm going to stay here. The only difference is this that now you can see me. "
This guy is messing with my head.
JM - "Where the hell are you gonna stay?? "
Tae - "At your house.. The sofa is my usual spot for sleeping."
JM - "Alright…Will you be okay?"
Tae - "If you care so much then I can sleep with you! No problem. "
JM - "No. It's ok. My sofa would be quite comfortable for you. "
Taehyung frowns but then smiles at Jimin.
Tae - "I'll take this then. "
He points at the last dumpling left.
JM - "Sure… take it."
Tae - "Really? "
JM - "Yeah. I'm full. You cooked a lot. "
Taehyung jumps towards Jimin and hugs him.
Tae - "Thank youuu!! I love you!!! "
JM - "Hey!! It's alright. Get off! You're heavy. Oh Lord. "
Taehyung breaks the hug with Jimin and eats the last dumpling. Then he tells Jimin, "I'll wash these and stuff. You can sleep. Don't wait for me. "
JM - "Uh… but. "
Tae - "No but. If you don't sleep I'll magically make you fall asleep. So don't resist. You need rest. "
JM - "Are you threatening me right now? "
Tae - "Not yet. I just want you to rest. If you don't feel tired from your job and want to work more then go ahead."
JM - "Well if you put it like that then… okay. I need to wake up early anyways. So I have to sleep. "
Tae - "Exactly! Wait-"
JM - "What? "
Tae - "Tomorrow is sunday. Why'd you wake up early? "
JM - "Cause I still have work to finish…and it's healthy to wake up early. "
Tae - "It's more important to get enough sleep than to wake up early… "
JM - "Yes. And I'll only get enough sleep if you stop asking questions and let me sleep. "
Tae - "Hey!! I'm the one who told you to sleep first. How is this coming back at me? "
Jimin chuckles at Taehyung who started pouting and asking Jimin more questions.
JM - "OkOk. You win. I'll sleep my dear Guardian Angel. "
Tae - "Better. And you can just call me Tae."
JM - "Sure Taetae! "
Tae - "Just one Tae. "
JM - "Whatever, same thing. Good Night. "
Tae - "Good night. Have sweet dreams. "

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