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Next Morning

I woke up early today. And the first thing I saw in the morning was Taehyung aka my Guardian Angel sleeping on the floor. In front of the sofa. Tangled up with the thin blanket I gave him. Oh Lord. He fell from there… I shouldn't have let him sleep there in the first place.
I get out of my bed and try to wake him up. He rustles, still half asleep. Changing his sides.

JM - "Taehyungshi?? It's morning. You gotta wake up. "
Tae - "Um… don't wanna.. Don't have work.. "

It's Alright. Maybe I should let him sleep more. He probably slept late. But-

JM - "Um.. Taehyungshi.. Could you just sleep on my bed instead? Isn't it cold on the floor? "
He shakes his head making a muffled sound, which sounds like 'No'.
JM - "Please Taehyungshi? Taetae? Sleep on the bed.. "
He turns around and opens his arms towards me. Then he says with close eyes, "Carry me~"
No wayy!! I can't carry him. He must weight much more than me.
Tae - "Be… quick. "

I need to at least give it a try I guess. You can do it, Park Jimin! I take a deep breath in. Hold Taehyung and lift him up. I. lifted him. Up?
Wait…He isn't that heavy. I was getting nervous for nothing.. Sigh.
I put him down on my bed and tucked him under the blanket. Then I resumed to do my daily activities.

Taehyung POV
I take a big yawn with the smell of an addicting perfume reaching my senses. This smell never gets old. I turn to my right where Jimin is putting on his regular perfume while he is still in his bathrobe. Water drops falling on the floor from his still wet hair. He looks quite hot I'd say…

JM - "Stop looking at me like that. "
Tae - "Like what? "
JM - "Like I'm a meal..? "
Tae - "Oh hell you are. "

Jimin looks at me and then proceeds to do his skincare while looking at the mirror. He says, "Stop that cheesy stuff. Is this what all Guardian Angels do? "

Tae - "Not all but I do. Cause it's you that I am with. "
JM - "Stop it! "

Jimin looks away and takes his clothes that were lying perfectly arranged on the bed. He exits the bedroom. He thinks I don't notice his blush..
I look up at the ceiling. It looks empty. I shouldn't move that forward. Stop here Kim Taehyung.
The ceiling is just plain white. His whole room is basically white and it's 50 shades. He at least has colors on his desk, bed and dressing table. I've seen him choose each of these items. I know which ones made him happy and which ones made him sad but he still keeps them. That bracelet on his table… is probably the most sad thing in his room right now.

JM - "Are you not going to wake up? Do guardian angels not have to brush their teeth and shower? "
I get a little startled by Jimin's sudden presence.
Tae - "Of course they do. We were also humans once and these habits are difficult to get rid of. "
JM - "So you don't really need to do that? "
Tae - "Haha.. Right. But I still do it. So step aside. "
I get out of Jimin's bed and walk towards the bathroom. I stop in front of the door and look at him.
Tae - "Um… "
JM - "What is it? "
Tae - "Can I.. Wear your clothes? If you don't mind that-"
He face palms himself and looks at me.
JM - "Of course you can! I'm not so possessive of my clothes."
My face lits upon hearing that.
JM - "Why are you so happy? It's just clothes. "
Tae - "Umm.. Yeah. But your clothes are so fashionable. I like them. Ok? "

I didn't say anything further and went inside the bathroom. If I stayed 1 more minute he would know that it's not just his clothes that I like.

The next day -
Author POV

Jimin stands outside his company building and then he looks behind him. A little annoyed, he asks, "Why the hell are you here? "
Tae - "To see you off. "
JM - "That's unnecessary… whatever. You can go back now."
Taehyung gives a pouty look and says, "You could just go inside first. I'll see myself… "

Jimin isn't fond of his job. He doesn't like this place. This place gives him stress and tons of work. He doesn't want to be rude with Taehyung because of his own problems. Without further questions, he walks inside and Jimin disappears from Taehyung's sight.
A smirk forms on Taehyung's face after he sees Jimin leaving. He says to himself, "It's showtime. "
Jimin takes a seat on his table and starts working. A voice calls for him, "Hey Jiminah! "
Everyone looks towards the voice as if the person has done some kind of crime. The person reaches Jimin's desk and Jimin looks up at him. It's none other than Kim Taehyung. But what is he doing here??

JM - "Tae…Talk slowly..!"
?? - "Come on. Not you too. This is my natural voice. I can't do anything if people think it's loud. Anyways, I think this workplace is very suppressive. How dare they suppress my voice?? "
JM - "They aren't suppressing anything and What the hell are you doing here again??"
Tae - "That's because, from now on, this is my office too. "

Then Taehyung speaks in a loud voice making sure everyone listens, "Everyone!! You need to be in the meeting in the next five minutes. I'll be waiting!"
Then he says in a whisper, "See you Jiminshi. "

And he walks away. Other employees try to figure out what happened and who is this guy. Some even interpret that they might be being terrorised. Jimin ignores all of the gossip people are making and enters the meeting room. Taehyung stands in front of the screen while there's already a few employees sitted on chairs. When finally everyone gathers he starts speaking, "Hello everyone. This all must seem really fishy but let me reassure you that it's not as concerning as you think. Anyways, there's someone else who was the cause of concern. Your previous manager, Mr. Choi. We received complaints about him mistreating and verbally abusing the employees and a couple of more charges. Now, even I don't know what exactly is going to happen to him but he won't be coming to work here….ever again. "
Jimin raises his hand.

Tae - "Yes? "
JM - "Then how are we supposed to manage the project when we don't have a manager? "
Tae - "That is exactly why I am here. Let me introduce myself. I'm Kim Taehyung. Your new manager. Hope we all can adapt to the change and get along. "
A couple of employees answered with "Yes sir" and "Sure sir".
Tae - "Ok then, you can go back to your work. All the best!"

Jimin is still confused as f*ck. How did Taehyung suddenly turn into his manager when just yesterday he said he was his Guardian Angel. Around lunch time, Jimin sees Taehyung alone near the coffee machine. He grabs his wrist and tells him, "Follow me. "

Author - "Where is he taking him? 👀"

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