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Jimin POV

We enter the house and first I loosened my tie because it felt so tight. Taking off my shoes I walked in my room to change. Taehyung sits in the living room until I change. I've never lived with anyone who knows me as much as Taehyung. Well... No one else in my life is a literal Angel either. I feel lazy and sleepy right now. So much that if I layed down on bed for even a second then I'd fall asleep.
That's when I look at the bracelet on my desk.

That... Yoongi gave it to me. My closest friend after Hobi hyung and my crush. I met him when I came to seoul cause I was hired for the company I work at now. He didn't have anything similar to me, except we both liked drinking and we were kind. He made that bracelet for me and gifted it to me on my birthday. I couldn't stop giggling and blushing that day. I let myself have high hopes for once. Only to find out a week later that he had a girlfriend.
Even then I couldn't stop crushing over him. I'd do anything for him. But... my moral didn't let me. I couldn't possibly ruin his relationship and stuff like that. I decided to tell him about how I felt cause it made me feel so wrong everytime I met him and drooled over him.

So... on a Friday night I planned that we should watch a movie and get some drinks. He agreed. After the movie I went to the washroom and when I came out I couldn't find Yoongi.
I walked outside the theater and spotted Yoong around the corner... but he wasn't alone. There was another guy. Yoongi handed a bundle of cash to that guy and took a few packets. I just hid there until the guy left and Yoongi came my direction. He saw me and said, "Oh. You're out? You could've called me.. "

JM - "No.. I just thought.. you might be busy. "
Yoon - "Busy? No, not at all. Should we go for drinks now? "
JM - "Yeah. Let's go. "

I didn't confront him immediately... I thought it'd be a bad idea cause there were still people around us. So we went to the convenience store, bought alchohal and sat at a park. Talking and talking until I finally got the courage and asked, "Um.. You know..I saw you talking to that guy outside. And also the cash... what was it for? "

Yoon - "You saw?? Ugh... "
JM - "I shouldn't have? "
Yoon -"See.. We are such close friends, so I'm telling you. But you better not tell anyone!! And specially not Yoon-mi. (His GF) "
JM - "Of course not."
Yoon - "Those were... Dr*gs."

I gasped on hearing that and looked at yoongi's hand that was in his pocket. He was probably holding onto the packets.

JM - "But Yoongi that's-"
Yoon - "I know.. It's not good for me and all that. I don't take these myself. I just help in transporting these... and maybe sometimes.. "
JM - "Please... I'm your friend but I can't support this. You need to stop. "
Yoon - "Jiminah! I told you. I don't take these. I just transport them. I've had a taste of these but that was just once. Trust me. "
JM - "Alright... but being in such a business is also not safe.. I.. I feel like you should at least tell yoon-mi. If she finds out otherwise then it'll break her heart.. "

Yoongi sighs and says, "Okay.. But not now. I'll tell her pretty soon. I'm going to quit this business anyway. And don't worry, I won't let anyone in my life get affected because of this. "

JM - "I know. You take care of everyone. "
Yoon - "Hmm."

We drank more and walked to my apartment. At my doorstep, he was about to leave when I stopped him. I had to say it. I have quite a good tolerance to alcohol so I was half sober and half drunk. I was just conscious enough. I held his hand and said, "Yoongi, this whole evening.. I've been wanting to say this. Actually the last few months. I really really love you Min Yoongi. I don't expect y-you to do anything. I just wanted to make myself feel lighter... "
Yoongi was listening.

JM - "I like you Yoongi."
His reaction was what disappointed me the most.
Yoon - "Really? Are you trying to blackmail me Or something? "
JM - "No. I'm not. It's just... the timing is odd. If I didn't tell you today I wouldn't have the courage to say it again. "
Yoon - "Really?? It's not odd you know? It's the perfect timing. So.. What exactly do you want? Money?..Cars?...Dr*gs?" He leans closer, whispering in my ear, "Or.....S*x? Just say it." I pushed him away.
JM - "YOONGI!! Stop! That's not what I meant. How could you even think of that? "
Yoon - "Why not? I've seen so much of this I'm pretty used to.. "
JM - "What the fu-"

Before I could say anything more, Yoongi stumbled. He had a few too many to drink. I took him inside and put him on my bed. I slept on the sofa that day and couldn't stop overthinking about all the things yoongi said. He was drunk, I know. But his words still hurt. I loved him but not once I thought of doing anything sexual with him. Not since I knew he had a girlfriend. I am not that indecent.

After that day, he apologised for everything that he said but it didn't really help. A month ago his gf found out that he did dr**s and broke up with him. He thought it must've been me who snitched on him while I didn't tell his secret to anyone, not even to a dust particle.
I come back to the present when I hear Taehyung knocking on the door. I open the door.

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