You betrayed me

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In the morning

Taehyung POV
Why is it so cold?? I try to pull the blanket but it's nowhere near my reach. I open my eyes kinda annoyed that the cold had disturbed my sleep. Then after opening my eyes what I see is even more disturbing... the door. The door is wide open!! I start getting flashbacks from last night. Of the giant vigorous cockroach chasing after me!
I sit up on the bed and look for Jimin and he isn't in the room. Then I remember... he said he'd get rid of it. I sigh relief.

I hear his footsteps approaching towards this room. Speak of angel and there he is! He enters and says, "Oh? You're awake? Good Morning."

Tae - "Yes. Good Morning Jiminah~"
JM - "That's pretty early of you. Anything special?"
Tae - "No. Just the cold.. Um.. Btw, have you.. Ki*led that cockroach?"
JM - "Oh yeah of course. That's the first thing I had to do today...because of that I got a morning workout. Haha. It kept flying away."
Tae - "Thank you so much Prince Jimin. I don't know how to thank you for this favour."

I said that with my dramatic voice but honestly I was wholeheartedly thankful to Jimin. I would've died without him if I was a human.

JM - "Alright. Not the roleplaying in the early morning. Go and get fresh."
Tae - "Yes Sir!"

I jump out of the bed and excitedly hope into the washroom. I can hear Jimin giggle because of me. Maybe..waking up because of cold ain't that bad.

Author POV
Same day at evening, both Jimin and Taehyung are back from work. They are talking when Taehyung asks if he should treat the employees to dinner. It's been a week or more since he started as a manager. It can be like a welcome party for himself.
Jimin was all for it. He thought it'd be great. The employees haven't had company dinners for a long time either. It'd light up their mood and might even encourage them to work better.
So next day Taehyung announced it and everyone seemed excited. Jimin smiled at him from his seat, showing support.

At dinner party
Some are grilling beef, some are eating and some are drinking and confessing their past stories. Overall, it's a happy environment. Taehyung is sitting face to face with Jimin on a long rectangular table. Others are chatting and eating and Jimin is on his 3rd glass of the day. As soon as he finished his third glass another employee was going to pour him more but Taehyung stopped him.
Tae - "It's okay. Don't pour him more."
Employee - "Oh.. Okay."
JM - "Why?? I wanna drink moree.."
Tae - "Jimin.. I can't drag you out of here if you get drunk.."
The employee ignores their conversation and starts to stand up to pour Taehyung a drink instead. Jimin taps on his hand and makes him sit back down.
JM - "He doesn't drink. You can drink yourself.."
Employee - "Oh? That's a shame but...guess now there's more alcohol for myself."
JM - "Uhm.. Yeah. Enjoy yourself!"
The guy gets up and sits with his colleague/friends and starts talking. Taehyung comes and sits beside Jimin. On the seat where the other guy sat before.
JM - "Too bad you don't drink.. Or I would've said, 'if I don't get to drink then you don't either.'
Tae - "Good dialogue but kinda old fashioned."
JM - "You are old fashioned."
Tae - "It's my aesthetic. It's called vintage."
JM - "Still sounds old fashioned to me."
Tae - "What else do you expect from a thousand year old guardian angel?"
JM - "Wait.Thousand?"
Tae - "Oh my.. Don't shout. I'll get you drinks at home. Just don't get drunk here.."
JM - "T-that's alright but... thousand years? You never told me."
Tae - "I just did.. Maybe I forgot before because of old age?"
JM - "Does that mean I need to talk to you with honorifics?"
Tae - "Noo.. It's okay. I'd feel too old that way. And technically I'm younger than you. If we consider the time when I turned to an angel.."
The words 'Turned' spiralled in Jimin's head like a tornado. Turned... he turned to an angel from a human. Jimin thought about it before, when he first met Taehyung. What had happened to him to turn him into an angel? Why must he be an angel for 1000 years at that? Was he perhaps... searching for something?"
Tae - "What are you thinking?"
Taehyung brings his face closer to Jimin.
JM - "I.. Uh.. Nothing.. Just.."
Tae - "Just?"
Jimin doesn't understand why he's feeling nervous. He can't find the reason behind feeling this bloodrush in his body. The reason that he feels sparks in his heart and a bulge in his pants. It's the alcohol he thought.
JM - "Uh.. Can you..?"
He gestures his hand in a go away motion and turns his face away from Taehyung. As Taehyung moves away he covers his lap with his coat that was sitting on the side of the table.
Tae - "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Your face looks so red..."
Jimin touches his face in shock.
JM - "D-does it? Must be the drink I-I guess."
Tae - "Do you need anything? Water?Food-"
JM - "I- I need the washroom. I'll be back."
Jimin gets up and almost runs towards the washroom. He enters one of the stalls, locks the door and sighs.
He tells himself, "Why do you do this to me? Why does it have to get up at a time like this?"
He thinks of Taehyung and revisits the sparkles he felt at that moment. This can't be. He can't be having these unholy feelings for his angel! He sighs again. He held back himself... and decided to wait until it's normal again.

About 5 minutes later Taehyung called out.
Tae - "Jiminah?? Are you inside?"
Jimin was startled by Taehyung's voice outside. By now he is much better so he says, "Yes! Just a second."
At that time another person enters the toilet. He taps on Taehyung's shoulder and asks, "Is someone inside?"

The man has long luscious hair. He's wearing a mask as well as a beanie. After entering the washroom though, he took off his beanie. The mask made him look weirdly familiar and suspicious but Taehyung let that slide.

Tae - "Oh yeah.. It's my friend. He'll be out in a minute."
?? - "It's alright. The other stalls are empty right? I'll just go there.."
Tae - "Oh sure.."
Taehyung steps away a little to give the man space. That guy goes inside the stall and locks it. Jimin comes out soon after that.
Tae - "What took you so long?"
JM - "Nothing just.. Just a stomachache.."
Tae - "Okay.. You can wait outside. I'll be there in a minute."
JM - "Okk."

Jimin walks outside waiting for Taehyung. Someone comes out of the washroom and Jimin turns around thinking it's Taehyung. Jimin's eyes flare open at the sight of him. It's the other guy that walked out. He's not wearing the mask any more. Maybe it's the long hair that's making him look different but Jimin can't mistake his face. The words just come out of his mouth, "Yoon- Yoongi."

Yoongi starts walking fast and basically tries to run away but Jimin catches up to him and holds his hand. Breathing heavily, he asks, "Yoongi! Where have you been? I tried to contact you but you'd never pick up or reply to my text. How and where the hell have you been??"

Yoongi shows a bitter smile and replies, "Why? What else is there for you to ruin in my life?? Because of you Yoon-mi broke up with me, I got fired, I'm struggling to live without dr*gs. What else do you want from me???"

JM - "Yoongi that's not the truth. I'm trying to tell you the truth! I never told anyone about that and I don't want anything from you."
Yoon - "Oh really? If you didn't tell anyone then what is this?"

Yoongi pulls out his phone and plays a recording.

Recording -
Yoon - "Who was it?? Who asked you about me?"
?? - "He was about the same height as you. Pink Haired guy... he said he knew you and you sent him to take the order from me."
Yoon - "F*cking dammit!!! That's not possible."
?? - "It is. I clearly remember."
Yoon - "How was his face?"
?? - "I couldn't see it.. He was wearing a mask and hoodie. His hair was peeking through it though."
Yoon - "Why the f*ck would you tell just anyone about me who says he knows me?"
?? - "But.. He had your id.."

A beep sound is heard and Yoongi takes back his phone.

Yoon - "Explain this then. If you didn't snitch on me then who else did??"
JM - "For God sake, I'm not the guy with pink hair in this world!"

Yoongi steps closer and holds Jimin's shoulders and shouts at him.


That's when one pair of hands pushes Yoongi away from Jimin.

JM - "Taehyungah.."
Tae - "Stay the hell away from Jimin."
Yoon - "Oh.. Who the hell are you to tell me that? (Towards Jimin) Your Boyfriend?"
Tae - "If that makes you stay away from Jimin then sure. I am."
JM - "Tae Stop. We were just talking. And we need to talk. Really."
Tae - "That wasn't talk! He touched you. How dare he? I can't let anyone treat you like that!"
Yoon - "Heh... Don't make me laugh. Seriously..."

A passerby comes near them and says, "Um.. Excuse me?"

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