Take me with you!

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Next Morning

Tae - "What do you mean I can't go with you? "
JM - "I said it. Hobi hyung might feel weird. He's come to see me after such a long time. "
Tae - "Right! It's been a long time so he should see me too! "
Jimin, who was doing his skincare in front of the mirror turns around to face Taehyung.
JM - "Don't be stubborn Tae."
Tae - "I'm not going to work either because of you. You could atleast ask him… "
Taehyung pouts and with his lips curving downwards.
Jimin sighs and says, "Ok. But if he says 'no' then you better shut up. "

Taehyung nods kinda excited as if he already knows the answer. Jimin calls Hoseok and puts the phone on speaker for Taehyung to hear as well. Hoseok's voice asks from the other side, "Hello? Jiminah? What's up! "

JM - "Oh hey hyung. I had a question."
Hobi - "Ask away. "
JM - "Can I bring a friend of mine with me? He wants to hang out with us too."
Hobi - "Yeah sure!! The more the merrier. It'd be fun. "
JM - "Really? You don't have any problem? "
Hobi - "No. Why'd I? In fact it's good to know that you've made friends in soeul now! Now I'm so excited to meet this friend of yours."
JM - "Sure sure. That's great. We'll see you at the mall then. Bye Hyung."
Hobi - "See you Jiminah! "

Jimin couldn't keep the conversation going after seeing the huge smirk on Taehyung's face.

JM - "Alright!! Stop smirking and go get ready! "
Taehyung laughs in a sarcastic manner. Trying to mimic Light Yagami's laugh. Then he says, "I know I always win. "

Later that day

Three of them spent the day at the mall and later went to a karaoke. Jimin and Hobi had so much fun together cause they've been united after so long. Taehyung on the other hand, was having fun as well but there's some things that kept bothering him.
Anyhow, at the very last they decided to go have dinner together. Hoseok insisted that they have dinner because it'll be hectic to go home after a long day and cook. So they all agreed.

They decided on a restaurant. Not too expensive, a place where they can just eat good food. After placing the order Hoseok went to the washroom while Jimin and Taehyung sat on the table waiting. Taehyung rests his head on his own hand while looking at Jimin. Jimin doesn't notice him because well… he's going through his phone.

Taehyung notices little details about Jimin. He knows that his face gives away what he is feeling. He knows that Jimin tries his best to not show his weakness. No matter how bad things get he never lets it affect his loved ones. He knows how Jimin doesn't like his hair to stay drenched yet right now his hair on his forehead is drenched from sweat. Taehyung takes his hand to Jimin's forehead and pulls his hair back.

Tae - "Would you care to wipe your sweat? It's all over your face."
JM - "What? Am I sweating that much? "
Tae - "Yeah. Kinda."
Taehyung then takes away Jimin's phone from his hand and pulls out a handkerchief.
Tae - "Knew it. This was gonna come in handy."

Jimin doesn't resist when Taehyung runs his hand through his hair. Instead, he feels safe and suddenly all the people in the restaurant disappear except him and Taehyung.

A while later Hoseok comes back and their food gets served. They eat their food while talking about the day and everything else about their daily life. It's when a group of people enter the restaurant and Jimin stops moving and stares at a person. That person looks at Jimin as well, smiling. But to Jimin it's not pleasant to see this person here at this moment.
The guy walks to their table and sits on the empty seat beside Hoseok.

?? - "Hey Jimin. "
Hobi - "Um.. Excuse me. Who are you? "
He makes some distance between him and Hoseok and says, "Oh sorry to interrupt. I was just curious to see Jiminnie.. "

Taehyung thinks to himself, how dare he call him Jiminie. This guy better be ready for a fight. Jimin looks at Taehyung and he knows what to do.

Hobi - "Well that still doesn't explain who you are! "
JM - "He is… He is Jihoon. My ex. "

Taehyung knew this because of course, he is Jimin's Guardian Angel. That's why he also knows how shitty and manipulative this guy is. Hoseok looks at Jimin and then looks at the guy then gives a fake smile to him.

Hobi - "Oh...? So you're that guy. I've heard about you and..we have no space for you here."
Jiho - "Hey! Don't be so mean. "
JM - "It's okay Hobi hyung… and Jihoon.. How have you been? "
Jiho - "Better than ever. What about you? "
JM - "Good. Me too. We hung out all day and it was super fun! "
Jiho - "Oh that's great. How about if I-"
JM - "We are just about to head home after eating dinner. And you seem to have friends waiting for you. Don't bother joining us. "
Jiho - "Come on. You know they are not as important as you jiminie. I felt so bad that you didn't contact me."
Taehyung coughs and says while gritting his teeths, "I think you really should leave… asking politely. "
Jiho - "Doesn't sound very polite to me but I'll leave I guess. "
Tae - "Thank You. "

Jihoon leaves and sits with his 'friends' at a far away table. Jimin releases a huge sigh after he's gone.

Hobi - "You alright Jiminah?"
JM - "Yes hyung. I don't get bothered by exes and shit no more. "
Jimin laughs but it's temporary. It's a show. He doesn't want Hoseok to worry and so he shows that it doesn't affect him.
Taehyung holds Jimin's hand under the table. Intertwining their fingers. He smiles and tells him, "Right. He's not worth your time and worry. So let's just… "
He leans closer. Then sits straight facing Hoseok and says with a gummy smile, "Eat and celebrate!"
Hobi - "Yes!! Food is life!"

Jimin smiles at these two people in his life that can bring so much joy in such a short time. He smiles. He feels grateful.

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