I must be so annoying. Right?

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Later, just like they entered the office one after another. They also left the office like that. First Taehyung left. He left and waited for Jimin in the car for about 15-20 minutes. Then Jimin came out too. While driving Taehyung said, "Damn.. Being a Manager is so difficult. How do humans do this? "

JM - "Try being an employee. It's even worse. "
Tae - "Yeah.. It must be. I can't even imagine. Well… How was work today? "
Jimin replies in a monotonic voice, "Good. I got a lot of things done. "
Taehyung looks at Jimin then looks back at the road. He frowns and tells Jimin, "I think you should get some rest.. Don't always stare at the phone. "

Jimin replies while still staring at his phone and typing, "I don't always stare at my phone. And you can just focus on driving. Better not drive us to heaven today. "
Taehyung looks at Jimin again and this time he catches a glimpse of his phone screen. He sees texts… only from Jimin's side. It seems like Jimin is texting someone but that person is not replying. And Taehyung can guess who that person possibly is. He pulls over on the side in the middle of nowhere. The place has only 2-3 street lights at a far distance with no people around.
Jimin finally looks up and says, "Why did you stop here? You need to pee or som-"

Tae - "Nope. I need you to stop staring at your phone. It's distracting. "
JM -"What?? "
Tae - "I said stop staring at your phone. "
JM - "I get that but why?? How is it distracting you? "
Tae - "People get distracted by different things. Duh. Would you rather me get distracted and we fly to heaven or put your phone down? "

Jimin does an annoyed smirk and says, "That's ridiculous. You’re annoying me."
Taehyung feels almost on the edge. He snatches Jimin's phone from him. He looks him in the eye and says gritting his teeth, "Right~ I'm your guardian angel and I'm here to annoy you. I don't want you to hurt yourself, I don't want those roaming spirits to attack you and don't want you to drown yourself for a guy's reply who doesn't even care for you!! Of course I want to annoy you. I can't give you the comfort of losing yourself… pretty annoying. Right? "

Jimin goes totally silent. He can't find words to say.. Taehyung puts Jimin's phone in his pocket and starts the car. A weird silence between them. A while later Jimin speaks, "Sorry.. I think I was actually.. "

Tae - "It's fine. Don't apologise… Guess I was kinda aggressive too.. But you wouldn't listen unless I'm aggressive. "
Jimin chuckles.
JM - "Yeah. That's true. I'm kinda stubborn. "
Tae - "Hm.. It's not that bad.. "
JM - "Btw, what was that about the spirits..?? "
Tae - "Spirits? What spirits? "
JM - "What, what? You just said you don't want the spirits to attack me. What spirits? You never told me about them.. "
Tae - "See it's.. Ugh.. I slipped. "
JM - "No you didn't. "
Tae - "I'll tell you later. It's not something I can talk about while driving.. "
JM - "Ok.. "

Another wave of silence fills the atmosphere. Then Jimin asks, "You know him too. Right? Yoongi? "
Tae - "Yes. I know every person that you've met in your life."
JM - "So…what do you think? Is he never going to see me again?"
Tae - "I can't predict the future. I just know that you're innocent and he's at fault for doubting and blaming you."
JM - "Yes. I know that too but… how can I tell him? How do I tell him that it wasn't me? "
Tae - "It isn't worth it. People believe what they want to believe and not the truth. No matter how much you try to convince him. "
JM - "But… he would understand.. If I tried. Wouldn't he? "
Tae - "Jimin… Sigh.. You're a really kind person. Some people just can't see that and you don't need to worry about them. "

Jimin looks at Taehyung with a little question in his mind but he didn't say it. He just leaned in his seat, closing his eyes. Because somewhere in the back of his mind he knows that Taehyung is right.

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