Don't mess with my life

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Taehyung quietly follows him to an empty area. Jimin releases his hand.

Tae - "Jiminshi.. This is no time for romance. You see-"
JM - "Oh please. I'm not romancing you. I just wanna talk. "
Tae - "Not very professional of you but alright.. What is it? "
JM - "What are you? No. Who are you!? Yesterday you were my Guardian Angel and now you've become my manager. How on the earth-"
Tae - "Jimin.. Calm down. It's not that difficult. And I'm still your Guardian Angel before anything else. I'm just doing what my job is. To protect you. Now that I've appeared, I'm going to remove every problem from your life. And this is one of those."
JM - “I never asked you to do that. I'm very much capable of handling my own life.”

Jimin pauses. As if he's searching for words to say.

JM - “There’s nothing that you need to fix for me.”
Tae - “Your life shows something different though.”
JM - “I do not want you to-”
Tae - “I'm sorry but...this is the only way. I know you don't want me to interrupt with your life but… it is necessary. For you.”

Jimin was at a loss for words.

Taehyung continues, "My magic goes beyond what I've shown you. And I'm really professional so don't worry. I'll be going then. "
Jimin just nods and Taehyung goes back out. He notices the pout of Jimin's lips and whispers to himself, "Cute", after walking out.

Time Skip -
Jimin gets home before Taehyung and throws his bag on the sofa. He wonders, what should he do until Taehyung comes back?
He eventually decides to cook. While cooking he starts feeling unusually tired with back pain. Later, when the doorbell rings and Jimin goes on to open the door. Even before he could think he was wrapped in such a tight hug that he almost fell to the ground. It's a boy with blond hair and a huge smile. You could tell that he laughs with his whole body when he does. Jung Hoseok.

JH - "Jiminahhhh!!! Oh my babyyy!! "
Hoseok says while squeezing Jimjn's cheeks.
JH - "You're still as cute as always. And so soft and fluffy!!"
JM - "Hyung. Stop. OMG. When would you come here? "
JH - "Todayy! And I decided to pass by my bestie's house. How are you doing nowadays? "
JM - "Just the same. Why don't you sit? I was just cooking now. Eat up. "
JH - "Oh no no. I gotta go. I just came to drop by to give you a surprise. "
JM - "Come on.. That's not fare. Atleast have coffee or something. "
JH - "I'm so sorry but I really can't. How about we meet tomorrow? We'll go shopping and eat and blog and have so much fun!! "
JM - "That sounds so good. Except the vlogging part. "
JH - "Okay then. See you tomorrow Jiminah! I'll text you. "
Hoseok waves at Jimin while walking away.
JM - "Bye. See you. "

At the same time Taehyung walks in. He sees Hoseok and Hoseok smiles at him and passes by. Jimin sees Taehyung too.
He asks, "Oh hey. You're quiet late. "

Tae - "First day as a manager. Of course it took long. "
JM - "Sure. I was cooking. So you can just shower and eat. "
Tae - "Yeah. That's alright… but who was that? I think I know him. "
JM - "Oh that! That was my hyung Or you can say bestie. Jung Hoseok. He was my senior by a year but we ended up becoming besties. He's a film director now. I wonder what he is shooting this time. "
Tae - "Hoseok…oh yeah. I remember. He's gotten so much older but still has the same energy."
JM - "You know him? "
Tae - "Of course I'd know him. Don't forget that I'm your guardian angel. I know everyone you know. "
JM - "Ohh.. Almost forgot. My Apologies. "

Jimin sticks his tongue out showing Taehyung that he couldn't care less about the Guardian Angel thing. As Jimin turns around about to walk back into the kitchen Taehyung pulls his hand. When Jimin is face to face with him he pulls him closer by his waist while maintaining a strong grip on his hand.
Jimin looks him up and down and furiously asks, "The hell Taehyung? This isn't funny! Let go. "

Tae - "Only if you don't go into that kitchen today. Let me serve the food. Or do whatever is needed. "
JM - "That's unnecessary. I was doing fine you don't need to-"
Tae - "Then it's unnecessary for me to let go of you too. "

Jimin starts feeling a heat throughout his whole body. Sweat forming on his forehead with the thought of Taehyung holding him throughout the night and of other things that he is capable of.
JM - "O-Ok!! I won't go into the kitchen. Not let go. It's so sweaty. Ugh. "
Taehyung lets go of Jimin and smiles.
Tae - "Thanks. Now just wait a bit and your dinner will be ready. Okay love?"
JM - "Oh please… that sounds so weird. Just call me Jimin or Jiminshi like usual. "
Taehyung chuckles and takes off his coat. Jimin takes his coat and watches as he heads inside the kitchen.

JM - "Aren't you gonna shower? "
Tae - "After I finish this. "
JM - "Ok. I'll be in my bedroom. Call me when you're ready. "
Tae - "Yeah. Got it. "

Jimin goes into his bedroom and Taehyung starts spinning the spatula on the food that has been boiling on the stove. It's some vegetable curry so gotta let it boil for a while. After that he looks around the kitchen and then slowly calls out, "Where are you? How long do you think you can hide from me? "
A dark black shadow can be seen behind the fridge. Darker than a usual shadow created by light. An average person would think that it's just the shadow of the fridge but it's not. The shadow moves from there to the closed window and now it starts to form a face. A face of someone with white eyes and no pupils staring straight at him. A creepy smile which then turns into a loud scream. The shadow tries to attack Taehyung but he catches it mid air. He gives a fierce look to this entity while whispering a mantra. Eventually the shadow turns into ashes and Taehyung looks down at that ash.

Tae - " Don't you fu*kers dare to even look at Jimin and.. never. come. back."

The ashes dissapear as well and Taehyung cleans his hands with a sanitizer. He sighs and says, "Huh.. Filthy creatures.. "

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