I remember

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Later at night
Back at Jimin's apartment

They come back home. Jimin drank a bit too much and now he is feeling tipsy. Taehyung held him until the moment they entered the apartment. But soon after, Jimin escapes and falls on the bed.

JM - "Wahh~~ The bed is so soft, cute and lovelyyy! "

He grabs the blanket and starts rolling on the bed from one side to the other. Taehyung was worried that Jimin would fall off the bed and might hurt himself so he stood nearby to catch him. This tipsy Jimin is something new to him too.
Then Jimin finally stops and sits on the edge of the bed. Taehyung sat near Jimin's foot facing him. His hands on Jimin's lap and then on his cheeks. Him slowly drowning in his brown eyes.

Tae - "How are you so adorable! "
Jimin chuckles and nods.
JM - "I am! I am always so lovely~~"
Tae - "Yes, you are baby. "
JM - "Baby~"

Jimin takes Taehyung's hands away from his face and leans closer. And closer. Just a few inches apart from Taehyung. Then he whispers, "Baby~"
Jimin leans back and falls on the bed. Taehyung's face has become red with blush. He calms himself down by burying his face in his hands. Then he looks at Jimin who is probably asleep or half asleep by now. He tucks Jimin with the blanket making sure he is feeling comfortable. Then he gives Jimin a kiss on the forehead full of affection. Then he walks to the sofa and drifts into deep sleep.

The Next Day
Both Jimin and Taehyung get ready for office. Jimin woke up with a hangover but after throwing up once, he felt better and decided to go to work. Both of them go to the office in one car but once they are in the parking lot they decide to enter the office separately. Jimin suggested this because if they are seen together, people might misunderstand. It can even look like Taehyung is picking favourites. That will affect Taehyung's image because he is the manager. So likewise, Jimin enters the office first and after 5-10 minutes, Taehyung enters.

At Office
Jimin was sitting on his desk while typing something on the keyboard. Another employee taps on his shoulder and tells him that the manager is calling him. He wonders what it might be for but can't think of anything. So grabs the file on his desk and walks towards the manager's office. He knocks on the door.

Tae - "Come in."
Jimin walks in. He sees Taehyung typing on his computer. He doesn't look at Jimin when he enters and continues typing.
Tae - "Sit please. "
Jimin sits and asks, "So.. What is it? Is there something I need to do? "
Tae - "No. You don't need to do anything. I just wanted to ask- "
He finally stops typing and looks at Jimin. The eyes that looked strained from staring at the screen softened when they saw Jimin.

Tae - "Are you feeling alright? Hangover? "
JM - "That's all? "
Tae - "Um.. Yeah. So tell me?"
JM - "Sigh* Ok. I'm feeling alright. No hangover. All normal. I'm pretty used to alcohol. So don't worry. "

Taehyung looks down. Not exactly at his keyboard but at Jimin's hands. He says, "Okay.. Fine. You can go. Let me know if you need anything though. "

JM - " Tae. Are you sad? "

Taehyung doesn't look up and nor does he say anything.

Jimin asks again, "Taehyung? Tell me. What happened? "

Taehyung looks up.

Tae - "I'm fine! Since when do angels get sad huh? I just… zoned out. Don't worry. "
JM - "Are you sure? "
Tae - "Yes of course. I'm fine. Now go or else I'll give you more work."
JM - "Okk.. Manager-nim. As you wish. "

Jimin goes back to work. As soon as he exits the room Taehyung buries his face in his hands. He thinks back to the time when Jimin tried to hurt himself. That time still haunts Taehyung's memory. He hates to remember it but he remembers it clearly.
It was when Jimin's mother passed away. He was 15 years old at that time. She had breast cancer but never told anyone. After his mother's death Jimin's father totally lost himself. He started to abuse Jimin physically and verbally. This led to Jimin believing that it was somehow his fault and he didn't deserve to live... His dad was not any better before the incident either. The feeling of responsibility was the only thing driving him to keep providing for his family but upon the loss of his wife he lost the that too…
It's only a year later when Jimin's grandma finds out about all this and decides to take Jimin in. After having a lot of arguments with her son, she finally took him with her. In the following years he never contacted his dad. He only got to know how his father was doing because of his Grandma. The lady cared about her grandson. But not enough to report her son. She never reported this incident but didn't want Jimin to get hurt either.
Jimin understood this since the first day and never complained to his grandma. After all, this was way better than living with his dad. He choose peace.
Years later, after Jimin has already become an adult, he gets a call from his dad. Unexpected but not surprising. He wasn't surprised that his father's personality hasn't changed a bit. And he still had the audacity to call Jimin thrice and ask for money.

'If that motherf**ker calls again I'm going to cut his fu**ing hands off so that he never dares to do sh*t!' thinks Taehyung when another employee enters the room. It startles him because he was in deep thought.

Tae - "Knock before you enter at least.. Where's the manners?"
?? - "I'm sorry sir.. "
He sighs and talks to the employee. The day goes by.

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