One last time

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A passerby comes near them and says, “Um.. Excuse me?”

JM - “Yes?”
?? - “Can you please not fight over here. It might not be the best for you.”

The guy points at the CCTV and Jimin nods.

?? - “Please go somewhere else.”
JM - “We are really sorry for the inconvenience.(He bows) I… um.. didn't realise we were loud. We weren't fighting though.. Just.. Just..”
Tae - “Just practising some scenes for our play. Out.. In nature.. You know?”
?? - “Um.. Okay.. But I hope–”
Yoon - “Yeah. We are going. We won't bother anyone here. Thanks.”
?? - “Ok.. I'll be going then.”
JM - “Yeah.. Sorry again.”

Jimin bows again until the passerby leaves. And then looks back at Taehyung and Yoongi.

JM - “Let's talk.. Somewhere else. Please?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes but agrees. All that he had was already lost. There's nothing to lose from one conversation.
They sat at a nearby local restaurant. Looking around for people who might eavesdrop on their conversation. The last thing they wanted was to get caught talking about dr”gs. Turning off the whispers in the restaurant, Jimin looked at Yoongi and spoke, “So… the point is.. I did not betray you or took revenge on you or had any other bad intentions towards you.”

Yoongi leaned back on his chair, sipping on the glass of water in his hand. After drinking, he answered, “Alright… even though I f*cking-”

Tae - “Excuse you. Language.”
Yoongi - “Ugh.. Even though I really hate you right now. Let's assume for now, that you are telling the truth. Then how do you explain the recording? Is my guy lying? Is that your explanation?”
Tae - “There could be a lot of things. One is that your guy is lying. Or maybe it was someone else with pink hair. They stole your id and used it to their advantage. Or your GF might have known about your ‘Business’ from somewhere else. Could be that she checked your phone Or clothes. Yeah?”
Yoongi - “Are you a detective? Lawyer? I asked Jimin. Not you.”
Jimin sighs.
JM - “Please stop arguing. So what if he spoke for me? He is telling the truth. And besides… What did Yoon-mi tell you? Who told her about your..?”
Yoongi - “She didn't tell me. That day, I went home after doing a deal and found Yoon-mi sitting on the sofa. She had spare keys to my house because I trusted her and there wasn't anything to hide inside my house. Then she tells me to sit and… and.. Asked me where I was.”
JM ; “And then?”
Yoongi looks down at his fidgeting hands.
Yoon - “She said it herself.. ‘You were selling d*ugs. Right?’. My heart sank at that moment and everything, every word she said sounded like a buzz in my ear. It's only when she said ‘Let's break up’ is when I snapped back to reality.”
There was silence between the three of them. It was a sensitive topic but they still needed to talk about it, to figure out who the actual perpetrator is. Taehyung spoke, “Is there a way we can ask her about this?”
Yoon - “I don't think so. She's cut all kinds of contact with me.”
JM - “Are there… any friends of Yoon-mi who can help?”
Yoon - “That's difficult to say.. I didn't spend much time with her when she was with her friends. Even if I do ask them, they'd probably not tell me about her. She's got supportive friends.”
Tae - “Wait.. But..”
Yoon - “But what?”
Tae - “Does she know about your and Jimin's fall out?”
Yoon - “Like I said.. She cut contact with me… of course she doesn't know about it.”
Tae - “Bingo! Then Jiminie can go ask her about it. (To Jimin) You will act like you don't know about her breaking up with Yoongi because he hasn't had contact with you for a while. And then make her tell the story about how she found it out. Also…it'll be proof that Jimin was not the person who told her about you if she doesn't buy the story.”
Yoon - “You're saying as if you're sure Jimin didn't betray me all this time.”
Taehyung slams his hand on the table and stares at Yoongi.
Tae - “See.. I am. Sure. That Jimin would never betray someone.”
Jimin felt tingles because of his words but at the same time he was worried thinking that Yoongi and Taehyung might start a fight. So, he interrupted, “Okok. So.. Let's just try and find out. Me and Taehyung would go visit Yoon-mi tomorrow and see what happens. Ok?”
Tae - “Ok!”
Yoon - “No.”
Tae - “What's your problem?”
Yoon - “You can't do that. If you visit her out of the blue she'll wonder why you didn't contact her before? Specially when it's you…you're the kind of person that would contact your friend's GF, If your friend went missing.”
Tae - “So what do you suggest Mister Genius? You seem an expert at deceiving people.”
Yoon - “The f*ck you said??”
Tae - “I said exactly what you heard.”
Jimin slammed his hand on the table and stood up.
JM - “Enough!! We're not here to fight. If you’re willing to come up with solutions then say it or keep your mouths f*cking shut!!”
Taehyung and Yoongi went silent. The old lady from the counter said, “Yah! Don't fight here. You'll be kicked out.”
Jimin looked at her and bowed saying sorry. Then he sat on his chair again.
JM - “Now… calmly, speak.”
Both of them were still silent, wondering who should go first.
JM - “Say..”
Tae - “Um.. Yeah so..? What should we do to talk to her?”
Yoongi released a deep sigh and said, “I've got a plan.”

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