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Jungkook pressed his doorbell and his mother opened the door.

Mrs. Jeon - jungkook what are you doing here? Don't you have your class today and wait KOOKIE , baby who did this to you?

Jungkook said while looking here and there trying his best not to look in her eyes

Jungkook - nothing mom i'm just not feeling well so i didn't attend the class today and about my face its nothing i just got into a fight with someone. When did you came back from your office?

Mrs. Jeon was about to say when mr. Jeon shouted from behind


Jungkook looked up to see his father standing there fumming in anger and looked down again .

Mr. Jeon - Jungkook we are so done listening the same damn complaint from your teacher every time that neither you attend your classes nor you complete your homework , and now you have started to get into fights too. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Mr. Jeon shouted making jungkook flinch but he didn't look up which was making mr. Jeon furious.

Mr. Jeon - never in my life i wished for a son like you jungkook.

Jungkook finally look in his father's eyes with teary and hurtful eyes.

Jungkook in a low voice - then why did you gave birth to me?

Mr. Jeon in a mad voice - what did you just say?


Mr. Jeon lost his control and slapped jungkook on the same cheek where taehyung punched him making jungkook fall on the floor hissing in pain.

Mr. Jeon - you ungreatful brat. If you don't wanna live then why don't you just die already .

Saying this mr. Jeon left . Mrs. Jeon came to jungkook crying and helped him getting up .

Jungkook pleaded his mom - please mom i don't wanna live anymore. Take your promise back mom please for god sake.

Mrs. Jeon while crying - you have already promised me baby that you won't do anything. Nothing will happen to my kookie i'm doing this job just for you baby. Remember this that even if no one cares about you but i do. Your mom really loves you son. Please for me don't give up , you're my warrior right?

Jungkook didn't say anything and went to his room locked and sat on floor while sobbing.

Jungkok's p.o.v - no one wants me mom no one wants me except for you. Even if i'll die today it will gonna affect no one but you. Don't worry i won't break my promise mom i'll endure it all , i'll endure all the pain. I won't give up like noona did.

Jungkook stood up and opened cupboards taking out an old watch which his noona gifted him when he turned fourteen.

Jungkook's p.o.v while sobbing - it's been 4 years now. I still miss you so much noona why did you commit suiside? Why did you leave me here alone. Please come back noona i really need you.

Noona do you remember you used to say that taehyungie will gonna love me someday. I took admission in the same university as him but he still don't love me noona. He hates me. He hates me to death , he said i'm ugly , he punched me again noona. Dad said he never wanted a son like me. I'm so useless noona no one wants me here except for mom. I want to die too but seeing mom working hard just for me make me endure a little more? She is the only reason why i haven't give up yet and endure all the pain silently.

He put the watch back and lie down on his bed thinking the day he fell in love with tae .

Flashback :-

Jungkook was five years old and was so excited to go to his kinder garden college. It was his first day and mrs. Jeon was helping him getting ready to go but jungkook was too excited to make friends that he was unable to stand still.

Mrs. Jeon - kookie stand still and let mumma button your shirt baby.

Jungkook - mumma kookie is so happy today.

Mrs. Jeon - i know baby , my jungkookie is going to make so many new friends today.

Miss jeon taesingly - but mom who'll become friend with a cry baby like him

Jungkook with a big pout on his small lips - noona don't tease me. Kookie is not a cry baby anymore. Kookie is gonna make soooooo many friends.

Miss jeon - oh really then how many friends are going to make?

Jungkook showing his fingers as one , two , three , four , five , six and spread his arms wide while saying "and mannnnny more"

Miss and mrs. Jeon cooed at the cuteness of their little bunny.

Time skipped and jungkook was sitting in his class all excited to make friends. Just then his eyes landed on a boy who was sitting on the corner seat all alone. Boy was looking sad but the second jungkookie saw him he was sure that he will be the very first friend that kookie will make. Jungkook went near the boy and said

Jungkook - hi

Boy didn't even bother to look at him and said

Boy - go

Jungkook - why? i want to be your friend

Boy finally look at him with an annoyed expression.

Boy - i don't wanna be your friend

Jungkook with a pout - why? am i not cute?

Boy was not in a mood to talk to him and out of frustration he pushed the little kookie saying

Boy - no you're ugly

Everyone started laughing at kookie. Jungkook felt sad but was determined to be his friends. After that our little kookie tried so hard to be his friend but boy never let him and always bully him which made jungkook look so weak.

But that didn't affect jungkook's feeling. For jungkook it was love at first side. Jungkook loved taehyung since he didn't even know the meaning of love. At first his noona used to think that it was just a normal crush but as years passed she started to feel jungkook's increasing love for taehyung . She was the only person who used to encourage jungkook not to give up on taehyung but after her death the suffering of jungkook increased high that he can't control himself anymore. His pain was getting worse day by day.

End of flash back :-

Thinking about that day when jungkook first saw his taehyungie , a blushy smile appear on his lips.

On the other hand taehyung was in his room lying on his bed thinking about those oceans eyes which were helding so much pain in them.

Taehyung's p.o.v - why can't i avoid his eyes. The pain i saw today is somehow making me feel guilty. Did i punch him too hard. But don't i do it everytime but something was different today. Aah taehyung why are you thinking about that nerd. Jack and kai will laugh at me if they'll know that i'm worried about him. I think i need to sleep now.

Thinking that taehyung fell asleep.

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