Trouble at arsenal

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"Private Taylor" you stand to attention hearing your Sargent "yes sir" "have you been keeping up with the news with what's going on with the Arsenal ladies?" "Yes sir I have" "good then go pack your on protection with fingers and brains you will be leaving in 30 minutes" "yes sir." You head off to the dorm and pack some spare uniform with some downtime clothes and tie you hair into the required army bun when there is a knock on the door.

Brains and fingers come in "you ready to go Chris?" Chris the nickname that's stuck with me from joining the army they said because I am one of the lads. "Yep all ready" you pick your bag up and walk down the corridor when brains puts his arm around you "you ready to protect your team?" "I certainly am so we can keep kicking your teams arse." Brains a hardcore Man U fan.

You might be wondering why we call him brains. Well that's because he has none, private Tomas Langley is the sweetest bloke you will ever meet but Jesus is he a dumb ass. "Chris do you think I stand a chance with any of them?" You look across at fingers. Again wonder why we call him that? Well private James Daniels is a bit of a ladies man so I will leave his name to your imagination. You let out a laugh "not a chance mate" yous all laugh. You continue to walk to the car where you bump into Georgie "are you coming with us Georgie?" You ask hoping she says yes. " I certainly am" you get a little excited "fantastic 2 section kicking ass and taking names like usual."

Let me give you a little bit of my backstory. My name is Christina Taylor I am 22. I joined the army 4 years ago on my 18th birthday, it's the best thing I've ever done. You see my parents were killed when I was young and my nana did not want me because I looked to much like my mum. So I went into care not going to lie I was a dick so got sent back many times until my final foster mum would not give up on me so I ran away, I ran to the army and never looked back the army is my family now.

Before I knew it we were at London colony being an arsenal fan I've always wanted to see this and watch the teams train. You get out of the car and walk in with everyone but looking around you are proper fan girling you think to yourself 'calm down Chris you have a job to do and you can't let your team think your a loser.' The receptionist takes you to jonas eidevel "hello sir my name is private Christina Taylor this is private James Daniels, private Tomas Langley and our medic private Georgie Lane" I shake his hand "it's nice to meet you all thank you so much for being here the girls are currently training they will be split into 3 groups and each one of you will protect a group" "understood thank you." He takes you out to the field where you see the ladies team practicing drills and yous all put your bags to the side. "Do you mind if we have a look around the perimeter?" "No of course not" "thank you, right brains you take the front, fingers go right I will go left and we will meet centre back" "got it" "Chris I'm going to find somewhere to set up a med bay for us" "I still don't understand why you can't use theirs" "it keeps our supplies separate from theirs we have stuff they don't and I don't need the sarge riding my arse" "yep totally with you there see you soon."

You head off around the perimeter not realising yous have gained an audience. Once yous are finished yous go back to jonas who has gathered the girls in. "Right ladies these are your protection I will be splitting yous up 2 groups of 7 and a group of 8. First group will be with private Daniels the second with private Langley and the third with private Taylor." He goes through the groups you have Jordan Nobbs, Leah Williamson, Katie McCabe, Beth Mead, Jen Beattie, Steph Catley, Lia Walti and Vivienne Meadema. "Ladies get to know who your assigned to they will be sharing with you please follow their instructions they are here to keep you safe" "we don't need a babysitter jonas!"

You look at a very angry Leah Williamson who gives you a cold stare before walking away. Brains leans into you and whispers "you best go after her can't let anyone get hurt on our watch." You roll your eyes and run after Leah "Miss Williamson wait please" "what do you want private Taylor?" "I can't let you walk around unprotected and risk something happening to you." Leah grits her teeth "I don't need a babysitter" "I'm not a babysitter miss Williamson" " what are you then?" "Your protector you can call me your bullet proof vest. Miss Williamson these people are the worst kind of people the now come under terrorist. I promise I am not here to make you uncomfortable I am here to keep you safe. If you need space I can give you it depending on where we are and what we are doing." "I'm still not happy about it" "I can't imagine you are but please allow me to escort you on your walk I will do it from a distance" "fine!"

Yous carry on the walk but you remain a few steps behind walking in silence before Leah turns to you "we should probably go back" "you lead the way miss Williamson" "stop calling me miss Williamson" "I'm not allowed sorry" "god your annoying" with that yous head back to the rest of the group. "If you wanted to be alone with the army girl all you had to do was say Leah" "fuck off Jordan." You go over to brains and fingers "someone swap groups with me" "what no" "please my group are going to be a fucking nightmare" "definitely not" "some mates you are!" "Private Taylor we are ready to go" "coming miss Catley" you turn to fingers and brains "see you tomorrow if I survive" you walk away with your bickering group.

You escort them to the apartment that you will be sharing with them. When you get there you do a sweep to make sure there is no intruders before letting them in. Everyone goes to their rooms when Katie comes and sits with you at the dining room table. "Private Taylor" "yes miss McCabe?" "Will you give us time to get to know you?" "Of course it's only right that yous should know who is staying with yous" "awesome let me go get the girls." She runs off to gather the girls and you sigh not knowing what's coming next. Everyone comes into the lounge area the last person you were expecting to see was Leah giving the way she went on earlier but there is is sat on the settee waiting like the rest of them to ask you questions which Katie was quick to get started "what's your name?" "Christina or Chris for short" "can we call you Chris?" "Yes" now it's Jen's turn "how long have you been in the army for?" "4 years" "how old are you?" "22" Beth then asks "have you been on any tours?" "Yes" "where?" "Iraq" Leah finally looks at you and goes to say something but stops herself. Jen's turn next "why do you only give short answers?" "I give the information that has been asked for if further information is needed I will give it" Steph then asks "if there is information we need to know will you give us it?" "Of course I am always honest" "brilliant so do you have a girlfriend?" "Now who said I'm gay miss Catley?" "Oh come on you have to be. Don't you?" You let out a little laugh "yes I'm gay, no I don't have a girlfriend and not all women in the army is gay. Georgie isn't." Now it's Lia's turn to ask questions "are you a football fan?" "Yes" "dare I ask who your team is?" "London is red always" "good answer. Where do you live?" "At which ever barracks I'm placed at" "you don't have a house?" "No" "why?" " I don't live with anyone so what's the point?" "Fair enough. What do you do on leave?" "Travel the world" "nice. Your eyes are a stunning blue like ocean blue who did you get them from your mum or dad?" "Erm thank you. I don't remember" "where are your parents?" "Dead. You have asked a lot of questions" "I like to know who is around me. Anyone else can jump in if they want" everyone shakes their head "ok. How did they die?" "Murdered" "I'm sorry to hear that. Do you mind me asking how?" "They were on one of the tubes that was bombed during the 7/7 attacks" "wow erm."

Steph then steps in "I think that's enough now Lia" "yeah I'm erm sorry for prying." "Excuse me please" you get up and take Your bags to your room and unpack when there is a knock on the door. "Come in" Steph and Jen come in "we are going to watch a movie will you join us?" "I will sit at the table as to not get distracted" "ok fair enough." You go and sit at the dining room table and all the girls watch a couple of movies before going to bed.

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