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I wake up the next day and look at the time "shit!" Chris wakes up "Hm what's up my love?" "I've slept in!" "It'll be fine my love don't worry just blame Zade" "why because I was up with him last night?" "I'm sorry my love you should have woke me" "no baby you were tired after yesterday." I quickly throw some clothes on then brush teeth. I run back into the bedroom giving Chris a kiss "I'll ring you later" "ok my love I love you" "love you too."

I quickly drive to training "your late Leah" "sorry Jonas" "any reason why?" "I was up with Zade last night" "who is Zade?" "Oh god I never told you Zade is my son he is only 2 weeks old" "congratulations Leah but please no more" "of course not Jonas it won't happen again." I go get my breakfast with the rest of the team "where is Xander this morning?" "He's still in bed Kim he had a full nights sleep" "aw bless him I'm glad to hear that he looked so tired yesterday" "he has been but we are getting a security system fitted today so hopefully that helps to make him feel more safe" "I know you and Chris will do everything yous can to get him back on track" "well he has another therapy session tomorrow so hopefully that keeps helping."

Once we finish eating we go to the changing rooms to get our training gear on "oh... my... fucking... god!" "What Beth?" "Either Chris is beating you or yous had a lotttt of fun last night" "what?" I look at my stomach and it is covered in love bites "oh she's dead! I mean seriously dead." I quickly put my top on and head out to the pitch but Jen runs up behind me putting her arm around my shoulders "clearly it was all fun because Chris would never lay a hand on you" "alright alright leave me alone." We get out onto the pitch and start warming up before moving onto drills. I practice defensive techniques with the rest of defence until lunchtime.

When we go into the canteen I check my phone and Chris has text me to check my emails. When I log on there is an email from mine and Chris' solicitor with the non disclosure agreement and an email from Chris with the advert for the nanny.

Me- Hi baby I have read the non disclosure agreement and the advert for the nanny and really happy with both so yeah put that out xx

Chris- Ok baby I will put that out now, how's training going? Xx

Me- Yeah really good we are playing Tottenham at the emirates for the first game of the season xx

Chris- Shut the fuck up my love that is amazing I'm so proud of you. NORTH LONDON IS RED ALWAYS! Xx

Me- Your to cute baby. What yous up too? Xx

Chris- Just finished putting my office together, Xander is in the toy room and Zade is just watching me xx

Me- What you got planned after that? Xx

Chris- Put the new projector in the cinema room since Xander doesn't know it's there then god knows just trying to get stuff done whilst keeping the kids entertained xx

Me- Your doing great baby I love you xx

Chris- Love you more xx

"Oh she is back with us" "Hm sorry?" "We were talking to you" "sorry Lotte what were you saying?" "When are you going to show us this new fancy house?" "Could do this weekend gives us a chance to get everything sorted" "sounds good to us, is everything alright?" "Yeah I was just reading something from our solicitor" "solicitor? Is everything alright between you and Chris?" "Oh god yeah, no we are hiring a nanny and Chris wants them to sign a non disclosure to protect us" "can't blame her after what happened with that girl I don't think she would do another interview" "I wouldn't do another one I wouldn't put Chris through that again." My phone starts ringing and it's Chris "hey baby" "mama" "Xander? Is everything alright?" "Yeah mama when you home?" "After I finish training why what's going on?" "I miss you mama" "I miss you too bubs but I will be home a little later and aren't you having fun with mummy?" "Yeah mama" "there we go so I will see you in a couple of hours" "ok mama wove you" "love you too baby see you later" "bye mama."

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now