Sneaky Sneaky

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Me and Leah are lying in bed just talking she doesn't have training until this afternoon. "After I finish training I need to go to mine to get some more clothes" "can I come? I've never seen your house before" "yeah of course why don't you come to training with me the girls will love to see you" "well why don't we make a day of it and go see Emily this morning" "you really want to know how that date went" "oh yeah I'm going to kick her arse that's for sure" "Come on then let's get ready."

We both get ready then head to Emily's house we are greeted by Sofia "Chris look at you up and about it's good to see you dear" "you too Sofia" she gives me a hug "is your oldest in?" "Yeah she had a date last night and they both ended up here so you know it ended well" "perfect" "what you up to?" "You'll see may I?" "Of course" I slowly make my way upstairs I have never done stairs with crutches and it is hard. Leah and Sofia are following close behind I reach Emily's door and listen in obviously I don't want to catch them in the act but I need a little payback for yesterday. There is no noise so I quietly open the door and there they both are lying there in each others arms clearly naked. I look at Sofia and Leah then back into the room clearing my throat loudly "no go away" "that's not a nice way to treat guests" Emily opens her eyes and quickly pulls the quilt up to her neck even though nothing but shoulders was on show "dude get out" "get dressed and I will see you 2 downstairs in 15 minutes" "Chris get out" "don't make me pull the covers off yous and you know I will do it naked or not" "fine we will be down" "good" I turn to leave "oh and Emily the next time you decide the tell me you have a date and run out on me just remember this moment" she throws a pillow at me "no social etiquette at all."

I manage to get downstairs without falling can you believe it I was so impressed with myself for that I never thought about the stairs when I decided to plot my revenge. I sit in the sitting room with Leah beside me "you know that Emily has a key to your flat right?" "Our flat and yes I do" "awww that's cute. But you know she can get revenge on your revenge right?" "She knows I have no problem in getting Sofia to message me when she has someone over where I will catch them fully in the act and pretend to be her girlfriend" "that's true Leah she has done it before" "wowww that's so evil" "not really she shouldn't of turned up at a date I once had and made a scene in the restaurant" "why did she do that?" "Because she is a dick Leah" "nice of yous to join us Emily come in and take a seat" "no Mel needs to be leaving now" "and she will soon" "Chris don't do this please" "I'm going to be nice Emily what are you so scared for?" "Because I know you and I know what your like" I get up from the sofa and go over to Mel "I'm Chris please come in and take a seat" "oh I don..." "ok let's try this again the pair of you get the fuck in here and sit down now!" "Right fine fucking hell man" "don't test me Emily you know the drill." I turn my attention to Mel "so Mel how old are you?" "I'm 26" "job?" "What?" "What job do you have?" "I don't yet still looking" "how long you been out of work for?" "18 months" "are you just not getting given the opportunity when your applying for them?" "Nones come up in my area for a mechanic?" "So you're only applying for local mechanic jobs nothing else?" "Yes" "noted so how do you plan to wine and dine our Emily here?" "Huh?" "Well you see our Emily here is a girl of class" I look at her "sometimes but she deserves to be treat the best don't you agree Leah?" "Oh 100% agree" "and yes I might be on crutches at present but I will still kick the shit out of you if you mistreat her" "really because you don't seem to be able to do a lot at the moment Chris" Leah looks shocked "oh how wrong you are there Mel I can do a hell of a lot I also know people who will do a hell of a lot my friend" "what happened to you anyway?" "I was shot 3 times" she gulps "3?" "Yep arm chest and knee but you see us soldiers are built differently" "soldiers? You're a soldier?" Yeah did I not mention that?" She shakes her head "well now you know, anyways been nice meeting you we should head off I want to treat this one to lunch before she has training" "awww baby your such a keeper aren't you" I just wink at Leah. "Bye everyone" "yeah see you later dickhead" "rude Emily just rude."

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