Chapter 33

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Jisung POV
"Long time no see Hannie", Conner said grinning. "W-who are you? You're not the real Conner", i said scared. I felt terrified but a part of me was feeling heartbroken and betrayed. Ever since we met back at the restaurant,  i treated him with love and respect but now he has tied me up tightly on a chair and is smirking at me like a maniac.
"Well let me say that i am also a mafia leader. Undercover mafia would be correct too. I became a leader at the same year as your shitty Minho", he said. The mention of Minho made a little more upset.
I stared at him in shock. He kneeled in front me and put his index finger on my chin to bring my face up so i was looking strait at his powerful eyes. "And you might have heard my gang's name... Black rose", he said. I stiffened as reality dropped on to me.
"No! You! You killed my parents?!", i asked as angry tears started forming in my eyes. "What? Kill your parents? Of course not. Well... i wasn't the leader nor a member back then. But that's the past. Anyways let me tell you a little secret. Your parents might be... alive", he said with a suspicious grin.
I looked at him, eyes wide and filled with tears. Is there really a possibility for them to be alive?
"Aww baby don't cry that much", he said and chuckled. "Well, have a little nap now baby. I'll wake you up for a surprise", he said as he planted a kiss on my nose. I immidietly  turned my my head away. He chuckled at that. And just like that he has put a nother cloth on my nose making me loose consciousness again...

Minho POV

I tried calling Jisung who was running away. But succeeded to scream only 2 times because of the dizziness and pain i can feel from my head. And i knew why i felt like this. I was drugged. Wow! The world greatest mafia has been drugged. Stupid me! And now as a result i might loose Jisung too.
As i was walking back to my door supporting myself from the things in my room, i heard a voice. "Hyung is everthing alright? I just heard someone scream", from the deepness of the person's voice it must be Felix.
As soon as Lix came in i  saw his face shift from confused to worried. He ran up to me and put his hand on my forehead.  "Hyung! Are you sick? Why do you look so pale?", he asked. I gathered enough strength and said, "Lix i am too tired to explain right now but i have been drugged. Immediately tell Chan that there is an intruder here". "But i can't leave you like this", he said.
I sighned. "Lix i'll be fine. I promise i'll explain later. But what's important right now is to find that intruder asap", i said as i muttered up a small smile.
Felix got a little tensed but soon ran out of  my room. Then a confused Changbin who was standing by the door looked at me. I motioned him to go away which he obeyed and left. Closing the door before chasing after Felix.
I let out a loud huff and collapsed on my bed feeling the severe headache. But even with all that pain all i could think about was how wrong and disrespectful i was towards Jisung earlier.
With my body weaker than a few minutes earlier, I finally closed my eyes for a short nap with the image of the cute little quokka in my head.

A/N - Interesting... 👀

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