Chapter 42

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A/N - Back again!!!!

Jisung POV
I sat down and stared at the food. "Son, i will never poison you", Doyõng said. I just nodded and took some bites of the food. And indeed they were the best!

"So Jisung, will you at least trust me?", he asked. I looked at him, my mouth full. I could see the genuineness and love in his eyes. "Your cheeks are still the same...", he mumbled quitely. I blushed. Maybe this man is my father. "Well, why don't  we do a DNA test? Much easier", i replied after swollowing. My uncle's eyes went wide. He slapped his forehead, "Of course! Why didn't we think of that!", he whined. I chuckled at him.  "Then shall we do it?", i asked. Both men nodded and we continued our meal. Decent people i must say...

Minho POV
"Hyung! Hyung! Come out quick! We have some news!", someone screamed from outside. "Geez okay! Let me finish up", i replied scrubbing the remaining soap off my body. It has been 4 days since my lash out. I have been coming up with many thoughts and honestly my mind is blocked.

When i came downstairs everyone was there and while Chan was a bit happy, everyone else was looking nervous. "What's up guys?", i asked. "So... we may or may not have found out who kidnapped Han", Chan said. I widned my eyes.

I ran up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "What are you waiting for? Tell me!", i demanded. "Remember the note Somi left?  Black rose gang and stuff. Well, you'll not be happy when i tell you the boss's name", Chan said. I furrowed my eye brows. Hopefully not a old man.

Though Black rose is only 1 rank below us. "Who is it?", i asked getting impatient.  Chan took a deep breath. "Conner...", he said rather nervously. I immediately froze as i stood up. My fists clenching tightly and my eye twitching ever so slightly.

"W-what!", i screamed. "Please calm down it's been a week. (A/N - do not blame me if the dates are wrong 💀) Which means he must be expecting us. Somehow... We need to make our plan carefully", he said and stood up. "So please Minho, stay calm", Chan said holding my shoulders.

I looked at all the other members and they all looked hopeful. "Okay... I will but we must start right now since we have much more info!", i said. "Of course. Everyone!", Chan started. Switching to his leader mode.

"Seungmin and Felix start investigations. Hopefully hack into their security system. I.N and Liv help them and then figure out the best options for weapons. The rest come with me", he announced.

"Oh um guys?", Liv started suddenly. We all turned to her. "So, my girlfriend is a professional boxer. And she's really bored at the moment. Mind if she joins us?", she asked nervously. "We need to meet her first. I will decide after", Chan said. Liv nodded and quickly walked away to call.

Jisung POV
"90% match", Doyõng said. I froze. I could feel my eyes water. "Dad!", i squeaked and hugged him. I could feel my dad was crying too. Even though he has one arm, his hug didn't ever feel incomplete. Then we felt a nother body wrap around us.

"Guys stop! Your also making me cry", my uncle whined. Dad and i chuckled. I didn't remember my uncle being dramatic.

"Han, son can we talk?", dad asked. I nodded. He lead me to his bedroom and sat on his bed. I closed the door behind me and sat down next to him. "Yes?", i asked.

He put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently. Instantly his touch made me feel at ease. "Sung please be honest with me", he said. I nodded. "What happened? I s-swear my heart broke when i-i saw the state you were in Conner's room", he said. His voice shook slightly. Instantly all the memories came crashing down.

Just like that i broke down and told him everything. From my horrible work journey to meeting Minho and then on to getting kidnapped after getting involved to the mafia. He pulled me into a warm hug. Finally after a long time i feel the love of a parent. And i am so damn lucky to have my father alive.

But that thought brought me to another memory. After calming myself down i looked up. "Appa, h-how will w-we save eomma?" I asked. "What?", he asked. He was surprised?...

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