Chapter 36

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Author's pov
In SKZ base:
Everyone was stunned. Once nice looking dorm had turned in to aa disaster. There was shattered glass pieces every where and some glasses intact. The curtains were torn and there were food spilled all over the kitchen counters.
Before anyone could say something Minho sprinted off to Jisung's room. "JISUNG OPEN THE DOOR!", he screamed knocking on the door aggressively. The others followed him but was too late as Minho busted down that door too. It was the same inside. A mess...
But there was no sign of Jisung. Minho dropped to the ground on his knees and groaned in frustration. Hyunjin and Felix quickly came to calm down the older.
Mean while the others went to see Somi's room. But to their surprise the door wasn't locked. In fact her room looked nicer than thr whole dorm. It was neatly made even with a fresh flowers in a vase. "From the flowers it's obvious she left recently", Changbin said. All of them nodded and started investigating the room.
But they were starting to feel hopeless because they found nothing in her room. "Wait, maybe they are tricking us. Let's check Jisung's room", Chan said immedietly running there. Felix and Minho was still there. When the others came, Felix looked at them with worried eyes. He got up from the bed where him and Minho was sitting and walked over to the others.
"Guys i don't think Minho is mentally stable. We must keep an eye on him", he said hugging Changbin. Changbin caressed Felix's head.
Soon Chan and Hyunjin started inspecting the room. "Guys look!", Hyunjin screamed. Everyone except Changlix went over. Hyunjin had a piece of paper in his hand. Minho snatched it from him and opened it furiously.

Hello Lee Know. I know you are searching for Jisung. I can't tell you where we are but i am warning you. If you fail to arrive soon. You might never see Jisung again. Try to come within 2 days. I wrote this because i care about Jisung and because of a personal matter. Good luck!

Minho read angrily. Everyone gasped.  Felix heard it and slowly startes sobbing to Changbin's chest. Chan was getting worried and Hyunjin was trying his best to keep Minho stable because Minho did not look okay at all.
As all of these are happening. Suddenly there was a ring of the mansion's doorbell. Then it continuously repeated.
"Minho some kids came and are demanding to see Jisung. One of them were crying while the other is pretty mad. The guards are holding them. What should we do?", Mrs. Aria came and asked. Also looking at the trashed dorm with shocked eyes.
"Let me see them!", Minho said and marched up to the entrance still gripping the piece of paper. Changlix slowly followed while the other two ran behind Minho.

Somi POV
It's heartbreaking to hear Jisung sob all day while Conner smile at him like a phsyco.  Why can't anything be better than this?
Pfft, who am i to say this. This is partially my fault.
Lee Minho... Where are you? Please arrive before it's too late.

A/N - Please share your opinions. ♥

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