Chapter 15

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A/N - Warning! long chapter.

Minho POV
Once again we did out group chant to celebrate our victory. But i was impatient to meet Han. "Hey guys, I have to do something real quick. So i'm gonna go now", i said and looked at the others. They had confused faces but nodded anyway. I quickly walked to the front of the restaurant where everyone was.
Just then i spotted Han with none other than the bit** Conner. And I felt my blood boil at the sight in front of me.

Jisung POV
As we were outside, i suddenly heard a loud gunshot. I quickly hugged Conner's hand because of the sound. I heard Conner chuckle, "Don't worry Jisung. They are professionals and besides i am with you right now hmm?", he asked me kindly. I blushed and nodded. Then he lifted up my chin using his index finger making eye contact with mr. If i was an ice cream i would've melted right there because of his beautiful eyes. "Have i ever told you that you are adorable?", he asked me. I couldn't even reply. My heart was beating fast and i could feel my face was a tomatoe.
This man is giving me insane butterflies considering how close our faces were. I know it has been two days since we met but one kiss won't hurt anyone right? I mean Lee Know didn't come back so i have the right to move on.
I closed my eyes as Conner leaned in Closer to close the gap between us when suddenly someone shoved Conner to the ground. And that someone was none other than LEE KNOW?

Minho POV
Han and that Conner was about to kiss. I felt my veins pop. I marched up to the two and shoved Conner. "Don't you dare kiss him you bit**", i said angrily. And pulled Han closer to me by the waist. Both of them stared at me shocked.
"What does he mean by that Jisung?", Conner asked confused as he got up from the ground with an annoyed face. Han or i guess Jisung tried to pull away from me but i held him tight. Eventually he gave up and said, "Conner i swear we are not dating! And you, i don't care how powerful you are but let me go!", he said. I smirked. "Feisty huh?", i said teasingly.
Jisung then started to hit my chest. I loosned up my grip even though he hit me like a toddler would. As soon as he got away Conner quickly pulled Han to his side. What made me annoyed is that Han actually clinged onto him. My face instantly turned cold. "Han get off him", i said. "You don't own me so i won't listen to your words", he snapped back at me.
Conner then loosned his grip a bit. I knew he was a scared little puppy in the inside. I took that opportunity to pull Jisung back. He landed on me. Hands right on my chest. "Remember. You are mine and only mine, baby boy...", i whispered into his ear possessively and seductively. Then gave a small peck on his cheek. I could feel the glare from Conner. Well i guess he heard it.
I pulled Han away and said "You will soon be mine Han. And you bit** stay away from him", i said and smirked at Han. Then glared at Conner. I can't wait till the day after tomorrow cause someone will come looking for a job.

Jisung POV
After Lee know left. I was a blushing mess. Conner noticed it and asked, "You like him?". He sounded so hurt. Now i am confused. My heart flutter when i meet both of these guys. And they both like me? I don't know. But Lee Know was a mafia and i will never get associated with them again.
So i hugged Conner and said, "No! I don't like him. Please don't leave me!", i said pressing my head toward his chest. He signed. "Ok then your lucky that i like you", he said and hugged back, stroking my hair. I looked up shocked. "U l-like me?", i asked. He nodded. "I li-", i stopped when i felt his lips on mine. But i should be happy right? Then why was i not feeling the sparks that i had when Lee Know kissed me. But i ignored it. I mean as time pass by i will feel them with Conner. Hopefully...

Minho POV
As i was walking back i saw Han and Conner kissing from the back of my eye. I felt so angry i could shoot that Conner right there. But that won't be necessary. Because i have the perfect way to break him. But it will take a couple of days. Meh, it's worth it.
When i came back to our van Hyunjin spotted me. He walked up to me. "Hey what's with the smirk?", he asked. "Remember Han? It's just he's gonna be mine soon", i said. "Ook mister. Just make sure he doesn't scream at nigh", he said dramatically. "Sorry Jin but he's gonna scream the loudest", i said and patted his shoulder. We all got in the van and headed back...

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