Chapter 16 (Picture of Ivy)

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"What do you want." I ask, rolling my eyes, and turning back to rocking my sister.

"I have a brother too you know." He says, snarlingly. I roll my eyes, as I watch Cole pick up his baby brother. His whole exposure changed as soon as he picked Liam up. He actually cared. He loved his baby brother, and he was really good with him too. I watched Cole in awe, as he cared for his brother.

"Do you do this every day?" I asked him, walking closer to him.

"What? Care for Liam and say hey to him and rock him and change him? Yeah I do. I love him. You just never see me do it." He says, almost defensively. I watch him work gracefully over Liam, as if putting him in a spell and making him fall asleep in an instant. Suddenly the door swings open, and all I catch is a glimpse of blond, before Liam is suddenly snatched from Cole's arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to touch Liam, Cole?" I backed up, a little confused.

"You can't tell me not to touch him, he's part of this family too!" Cole snaps back.

"JADE! LAINE IS HERE!" Suddenly, I feel the ground break under me, as the wind is knocked out of me. Cole grabs Katherine as Jade leaves the room.

"Lauren." I put my hand out as if telling him to stop. I needed to catch my breath.

"What's going on." I ask, breathlessly.

"Lauren, that's why I was talking to him like I was I didn't want you to--"

"What's.going.on." I demanded, taking my sister from him.

He sighed, running a hand through his blond hair.

"Liam is her baby. Laine is the daddy. He still cares for Laine and provides for him and comes over to see him. My mom was so disgusted that one of her kids would do this and she was embarrassed that someone would find out, so she just said that Liam was hers."


"Lauren! There you are! I was looking every where for you!" I smile weakly at her.

"Lauren? What's wrong?" We go in my room as I lock the door.

"Lauren! Open the door!" Lacey looks at me, confused.

"Lauren what's going on?" Lacey asks me.

"GO AWAY, COLE!" Lacey's face lights up. "Why?" She whispers, smiling.

"Puhhleeeeaasee Lauren! Come on let me in." He begged from behind the door. "I'll be over here." Lacey said walking into my walk-in closet.

"Cole I don't want to hear it." I say, sitting with my back against the door.

"Please. Lauren." I can hear the hurt in his voice. "I'm begging you."


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