Chapter 22

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"WAKE UP LO!" Stevie yells, holding my name out extra long. I growl and throw my pillow at him. He laughs and shuts the door, as I get up and do my usual. I decide on my favorite pair of jeans, a plain black tan top, and a cute pink flower printed headband. I touch up on my make-up, not recgonizing my self, I smile and grab my things and walk out of the room straight into Cole.

"are you happy." He grumbles down to me. I look up at him confused.

"What are you talking about Cole?" He glares down at me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No Cole. I don't." I snarl at him, why is he so ticked?

"BREAKFAST!" Genny yells up the stairs. I take that as my cue to leave.


"You ok?" Jeremiah mouths at me, question written all over his face.

I nod my head, as I bite into my pancake.

"Where's Cody?" I ask, looking around.

"Not sure." they all mumble.

"Cody?" I ask, stepping into his room.

"Oh. My. God." I place my hand over my mouth, and bend down next to a passed out Cody on the floor.

I shake him, "Cody?" I shake him harder, "Cody!" I shake him once more, and stick my hand under his nose, he's still breathing, thank God!

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I yell in a frantic voice, soon everyone is upstairs, and the paramedics have been called.

No one knows why Cody is out cold.


"Cody has OD on Oxycodone. He took about 500mg and was out. By the contents in his stomach, and the wrapper in his pocket, it looks like he ate a Xanax bar, that changes the numbers drastically! Your lucky you found him when you did, because if you hadn't he would have gone under," everyone looks at him confused. "Flat lined?" still confusion. "He would have died. As soon as you got him here he started to slip under but we got him back up and we're monitoring him to make sure he's stable." Genny is standing in front of the doctor, crying. All the guys and Ben and the girls are around her listening intently. The kids are playing with their toys in the waiting area as if nothing happened, they're little they don't know.

I walk up, and grab Jeremiah's hand, he's shaking like crazy, he's scared. He smiles faintly at me, gripping my hand. I glance over at Cole who looks pissed about Cody, I wonder if he was part of this?

When the doctor has finished and has gone back to do more tests and check on Cody, and make a beeline for Cole, making him stay where he is, while everyone walks back to the waiting room. He looks at me confused, as I push on him with my hands to stop him.

"What the he--"

"Are you apart of this?" I ask, rudely.

"What are you talking about?" he snaps.

"This," I gesture, "Cody. Oxycodone. OD? Anything ring a bell?" I snap, glaring at him. He looks at me shocked.

"You actually think that I have something to do with this!?" he asks, dumbfounded.

"Yea actually I do. Can you just tell me the truth please?" he looks down at me.

"No, Lauren. I had nothing to do with this. Believe it or not, I'm not into drugs unlike Cody. I'm better than that, and I can't believe you would stoop to that level and expect me to." he's not lying, I can tell.

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