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It had been a good 10 years since Ash had returned home. After managing to become pokemon master at just 18, he left and was extremely busy. It was always constant paperwork and battles with the elites to train them better. He was exhausted! After finally having his scheduled cleared, he took off for some time at home for his 1st free summer in 10 years. He was right at the doorway. 

"Ready buddy?" 

"Pika!" Responded the excited electric type. 

"I can't wait either. Mom will be so happy." 

Ash knocked on the door and waited for his mom to answer. The door opened a crack, and... 

"Mo-oh, hi Mr. Mime." 


"Yep, I'm back." 

Mr. Mime yanked Ash inside and shouted ecstatically. 

"What is it Mi..." 

"Hey mom, how's it going?" 

Delia started to tear up. She then rushed to her son and wrapped him in the biggest and tightest hug known to man! 

"You could've called!" 

"Sorry, I wanted it to be a surprise." 

"Pika pi!" 

"Oh and Pikachu, how I missed you." 

Pikachu leaped onto her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek. 

"What took you so long to visit?" 

"Sorry mom, they had me worked to the Cubon! I'm just glad I have these 3 months to spend with you." 

"I'm glad too. Now, will you be spending anytime with your friends? Especially Brock and M-" 


"What?! Why not?" 

"Well...they sorta...all hate me." 

"No they don't. You're just-" 

"Mom, I haven't exactly been on the best of terms with any of my friends in 7 or so years."

"Really? What happened? You loved all of them." 

"I was...I would rather not say today. Maybe a different time, ok?" 

"Ok...but are you sure about not seeing Mi-" 

"Positive, now what have you got to cook, cuz I want to make something special for my mother." 

"Oh Ash, that's nice and all, but I would like to make something special for my son's return home." 

"Fine, but I'm cooking tomorrow." 

"I would love to see that." 

Ash then went upstairs to put away his bags. He entered his old room and stood there for a few seconds. Pikachu eventually snapped him out of it. Ash put his bags by the closet. In doing so, he found a book. He sat on his old bed and started to flip through. 

"Our old picture book Pikachu." 

He started to flip through the pages of the old book. He started from the back to sorta slowly go back in time. 

The first photos were of him and his buddy Goh. After about 3 pages, were his friends from Alola islands. After them was the blonde trio. Iris and Cilan popped up afterwards. Dawn came up after about 4 pages, and even Paul managed to sneak into a few pics. The same was with Drew when he got to May and Max's section. He then got to the last sections. He saw the happy faces of Tracy, Brock, shockingly Gary, and her. He kept going till the last page, with the first photo. It was only him, Pikachu, and the redhead who he was bestfriends with for years. 

It was a simple picture

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It was a simple picture. Ash had fallen down and Pikachu and Misty went to make fun of it. Delia thought it was cute and funny, so she took the shot. Too bad the background wasn't great, but she managed to crop it out in the end. The trio then went on their merry way. 

"Pika pika." 

"Yeah bud, I miss her too. All of them." 

"Ash, dinner's ready!" 


Ash rushed downstairs to engulf his welcome home meal. 


Morning came and Ash woke to get ready for a big day. He planned out a nice fun and chill day for him and his mom. 

"Alright mom, ready for our big...day...mom?" 

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