admirer// tyler

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the cute boy at starbucks was there every thursday.

maybe it was slightly ridiculous that you had caught on to his schedule, but it wasn't necessarily something you had done intentionally. at first, it started by you just coming in on random days after class. sometimes he was there, sometimes he wasn't. it didn't take you too long to realize that he always happened to be sitting at his same table by the window every thursday afternoon.

the first time you saw him, you stopped in your tracks. sparkly chocolate eyes, silky soft brown hair. he was undeniably attractive, and the small smile he'd offer the employees behind the counter was absolutely adorable. you had deemed him perfect, and you hadn't ever spoken a word to him.

you really didn't know much about him at all, except for the fact that he was most likely around your age, and that he always seemed to be working on his laptop in the same spot on the same day every week.

you preferred to sit at a table nearby to his, although not so close that he would notice you staring at him. because you definitely did stare. you just couldn't help yourself. he was gorgeous, so precisely your type, and all you could do while sitting there was imagine fake scenarios where he'd catch you staring and smile at you. and then he would come up to your table and confess that he noticed you every week too, and he'd just been too nervous to talk to you before. he'd sit next to you and you'd converse, talking to one another as if you'd been friends forever. he'd ask you on a date, and sooner or later, he'd be yours.

that never seemed to happen, though.

there were a few times that his eyes may have glanced toward your general direction, and as much as you liked to hope that it was because he noticed you, you knew that wasn't the case. he always went right back to his laptop, never paying you any mind. as far as you knew, he wasn't even aware you were there. you were just another person in a starbucks to him.

even though you had yet to interact with him, you walked into the shop every week feeling ecstatic, if only just to see him. maybe today would be different, you told yourself. maybe today would be the day he admitted his unconditional secret love for you. it was unlikely, but gazing at his pretty face was enough to satisfy you.

on one thursday in particular, you didn't have class, so you decided to arrive earlier than usual in hopes that maybe you would get there before him. and if you did get there before him, maybe you could stand behind him in line while ordering and actually learn his name. it was strange, to see him every week and think about him so often and not even know what to call him. you were determined to find out.

you sat there for a while, pretending to be on your phone while continuously looking up at the door every time someone walked in. you were starting to feel nervous that he may not come in today, when finally you heard the door open and you picked your head up again, excitement pulsing within you as your eyes landed on him.

he looked good today, as always. he was dressed in black jeans and a black sweatshirt that made him appear unbelievably cuddly and warm. if only you could run up to him and barrel into his arms and squeeze him against you. his hair was wavy, shadowing over his forehead, and it looked soft to the touch. you could easily imagine yourself playing with his hair as he laid his head on your lap.

trying to appear as casual as possible, you stood up and walked over to the back of the line, as if you had only now just decided on getting something. he was standing directly in front of you, allowing you to stare at the back of his head freely without getting caught. your eyes traveled from his head to his neck, to the small area of skin you could see just above the collar of his sweatshirt. in that moment, you wanted so badly to be his, so you could drag your fingers down his tan skin and truly experience what it was like to feel him, to be close to him.

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