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Kunal's POV

" Good morning. " I said as I came to the breakfast table.
" Good morning. "
" Good morning. "
" Morning bhai. "
Mom, dad and my brother said at the same time, I nodded at them before taking my seat.

Midway during the meal I couldn't resist their gazes anymore, " What? " I asked looking straight at mom. She shook her head, " Nothing. " And got back to her food. Not for long though.

The little peeks after each second, the frequent side eye as if she wanted to speak but was afraid to do so. Not being able to bear her scrutiny any longer I asked, " Say it. "

" I saw a girl. " She said and there it is. Her favourite topic of conversation these days, I should've guessed it would be about it only.
" So? You see plenty. " I replied, still eating my food, not giving her the reaction she wanted.
" You know what I'm talking about. "
" I don't. "

" I've found a proposal for you. " This again, I'm getting tired of hearing the same words every week... It's like a routine these days. Even the words are the same now, she has even stopped framing new sentences for each day. It used to be, there's a proposal for you or a girl likes you. Like seriously mom? What sort of a line is it?

" And I don't want it. " I replied, giving her the same answer as I had been doing for the past few days.

" At least see the girl. " Yeah and then hear a lot of boasting from a rich spoiled brat,  whose only achievement is her perfectly manicured nails. I'm not being judgemental but I know the kind of girls she'll select. It's not her choice that's wrong, it's just that she's too naive. She'd take everything at its face value, her mind is wired to believe that everyone is good like her, but that's the thing, they're not. Everyone is too good at pretending these days, finding someone good gets harder with each passing day.
" No need. "

" Is there anyone you like? " I gave her a look that clearly express my stance but I was overestimating her when I thought she'd understand what I'm saying. So I had to voice it out, " No. "

" This won't do. Even Sid brought his girlfriend home last month and Reyansh is even getting married. " Her pitch went up by a notch indicating how agitated she was. I knew as soon as Rey announced his marriage that my dear mother was going to get hysterical. That man just couldn't wait anymore, so excited that he resembled a child going to his first fair.

" What does it have to do with me? " I asked hoping she'd give up. But nope, giving up doesn't exist in her dictionary.

" What does it have to do with you?"-smack- " Aren't you ashamed? Abhi even has a child now, and you can't even see a girl. How did I end us with such a useless son? " She should really control her hands, if not for me sitting across the table the hit would've landed on me rather than the table. And what did she mean by useless? How did I become useless just because my friend is a dad now while I'm still single. * raised eyebrow *

Did I forgot to mention? My best friend was blessed with a girl three months ago, I'm happy for him. Really really happy, he and Aradhya deserve it after the shit they've been through and diya is adorable but this is what I don't like. Even since she's born, my mother had made it her motive to daily taunt me with it.

It's like there's a competition between us, and other than me everyone seems to agree on that. Rey got engaged soon after and Sid finally got a girlfriend he's serious about. The world's changing.

" I don't care. You need to find a girl or I'm setting you up with one of my choice. " I didn't reply, she'll stop on her own. She always does. But I guess I had once again overestimated her patience. Cuz the next moment her tone changed, if she was ordering before she could be said to be pleading right now.

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