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Kunal's POV

I should've trusted my instinct when it told me I'm driving the wrong way. . I should've heeded the voice in my head that said I'm being too impatient and it might not go well in my favour. But I didn't, I was impatient and look where it landed me.

I'm sitting in my car just outside the main office of Agnihotris. It's decent if you consider its size but that's it, I'll admit I was expecting something more standoffish but no it's as simple as it could be. No one would give this place a second glance if not for the ostentatious board representing the name of the group.

And now that I'm here I have no clue what I came here for. I was supposed to head the exact opposite of the way I did. This wasn't where I had planned to go so now that I'm here, I have no idea what to do.

I should start the car and go back to where I was going, but once again my body took control over my brain and I found myself leaving the car.

Navigating to her office was easy, the building is four floors high so that's the floor I have to go to, so I skipped the reception and made my way directly to the elevator.

It was only when the elevator rose to the top that I realised an error in my actions. What am I supposed to say to her? Why am I here? I can't exactly say I wanted to see her. I mean I did but that wouldn't give me any brownie points from her I think. Rather I might be thrown into the creepy category. Nope, don't want that.

Before my brain could come up with any reasonable response I was moving. As if the universe was on my side, the floor was almost empty, it seemed like the floor for board meetings or department ones because every room was equipped with presentation screens and had enough room for more than ten people at a time.

Out of six doors on this floor, four of them led to meeting rooms, one led to a cabin too small for a president and the only one left was on the far end of the lobby.

The smaller one may have belonged to Aditi but I didn't see her anywhere. I don't even know what I'm doing right now and I know I'm going to regret doing this. But fuck this, I'm doing it regardless.

I reached the door to find it unlocked, a bit of a gap in the door and as I raised my hand to knock I heard her, " That's the problem. I don't. Because you know what she said to me after everything that happened? She asked me, no, she informed me that she wants me to get married again and leave my son to her. Like hell I would. "

I froze, I knew I should move or knock or do anything other than just standing there but my limbs froze. It seemed like a conversation I shouldn't be hearing, a conversation she should have no need to have. But it was happening and I listened.

" And yes. He's. Just. My. Son. Mine. I don't think she has any right to him after she suggested separating him from me. The only reason I haven't exactly cut her off is because she gave birth to me, nothing more. "

I heard her speak and in the twelve days I've known her I have never heard her talking to anyone like this. It was harsh even to me, I wouldn't want to be on the other side of such a tone. Definitely not from her. I could hear her anger, feel it but more than that I felt pain. It it weird? I don't even know the context of her conversation and I'm feeling her emotions. Am I crazy?

" You can be a part of his life as much as maa and papa are but other than that don't expect me to do anything else. " She spoke again and this time with conviction that even shook me. She wasn't budging on this, I could tell that. I don't know what happened between her and the other person inside but I do know she won't let them near her. Ever.

" One more thing. Don't get too close to Aadi." She said and I frowned, even I as a stranger wasn't addressed with such coldness. I didn't hear any such words the two times I met Aadi and God forbid I hear them. I wouldn't know what to do without that little man.

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