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3300+ words.
Uff, you guys better make it worth my effort.

And yup, if you get some time, maybe you could make a visit to my ig profile and maybe like a post or two on your way..

Not all, just one or two would do.. 😁

Thank you.
Happy reading ❤


Prisha's POV

“ Aadi, bacha we need to leave. ” I called him for the hundredth time and he still refused to leave the blanket.

“ Mumma is taking the blanket now. ” I told him but he still kept himself burrowed inside, he's been in the same position ever since he woke up.

“ You don't want to come with mumma? ” I asked him, and he gave me no response.

I couldn't leave him and I also can't force him. But with his persistent antics, I've already wasted too much time in my room. I'm already late and leaving him alone is not an option, I had to make a last ditch attempt, even if it's the one I never would've considered under normal circumstances. Though I'm anything but normal these days.

“ Fine then, I'll have to tell Kunal that Aadi is not coming. ” I had barely finished my words when he sprang up, his eyes blinking at me as he tilted his head to the side, “ Kunal is there? ”

I nodded in his response to his question but I couldn't name what I was feeling. There was a hoard of emotions inside me right now but most of all I was jealous. My baby was more interested in meeting a stranger than accompanying his mother.

Regardless, this stranger isn't a stranger anymore but still. It's weird seeing him so invested in someone other than me. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna handle this.

I picked him disregarding my sour mood and got him dressed before leaving our room.

It was already half past six when we arrived, I had to settle Aadi next to one of my colleagues before I could oversee the arrangements. Aditi would've done that already but I need to make sure everything is correct.

Who knew by the time I got back to my baby, he wasn't there, I was nervous but not scared. This is my territory, my home ground, there's no place safer for him than here. I would be a major failure if I can't find him here of all places.

I retrieved the CCTV footage on my ipad and found that my baby had started roaming exactly two minutes after my departure. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who he is trying to reach. He is going to the person he came for.

I can't believe he was too impatient to even wait for his mumma. He bypassed a table before he came back to stand on one of the chairs. At least he knows his height is disadvantageous in this crowd. I'm not sure if I should be proud that he's smart enough to use a chair as leverage or worried that he's so eager for a person who's about to leave.

His head turned all around the room as his eyes settled in one direction, I didn't look there. I just looked at my baby and retraced the path he had taken. I knew where he was going and while I wasn't ready to face him yet, I need to ensure my baby is at least in safe hands.

My feet paused when I saw him stopping near the right end of the venue, he stopped right before a lady and I looked up to see them just metres ahead of me.

I passed the Ipad back and made my way to him. I don't know what he said or who she was but he was tugging at her saree and I feared he might irritate her. While he isn't bratty or insolent, he's still a child, not everyone likes having one in their surroundings.

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