journal entry #1

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅JOURNAL ENTRY #1january 5th, 2019

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january 5th, 2019


i've always wondered what it would feel like to be famous.

to hear a crowd roar your name. for regular people to acknowledge you with a knowing glint in their eyes. the feeling of the constant scrutiny and criticism from individuals you'll never get the chance to meet. for people to say your name and talk about you without your presence around.

today, we got a glimpse into that world. lavender veins got our first big(ish) solo gig. it was on the well-known side of brooklyn, in a sizable venue, and i felt it!!! i felt light and airy, i felt wanted and appreciated. valued. the energy of the crowd flooded and cascaded every sense in my body (that sounds corny, but it's true) and it was SUCH a good high. the adrenaline, the dim blue lights that i thrived off of during the concert... it all set the atmosphere that i wanted desperately for far too long. i was boosted onto a pedestal that i never want to jump down from, a ship i've been wanting to sail for so long. and we got it. we fucking got it. there had to have been like 200? people there?? maybe more?? god knows how happy the band was. marcie and i cried. it was that good. and people had signs! UGH.

and our time on stage was too short for my liking. i wanted to perform over, and over, and over again, if it meant i could keep this feeling in for just one moment longer. even though my throat is definitely sore. performing is like a drug, and i'm quickly becoming addicted.

the best part after all of this is knowing that this was only the beginning. i refuse to let anything, anyone for that matter, set back the progress we worked so hard to achieve. that glimpse; i cannot let go of that. i won't. i need this. no, this isn't selfish intent; not at all. i want to share my words, my passion. anything to light up this dreary world... even if our songs are a little sad. it's still something for people to relate to! if there is anything i can do to make at least a minute change i'll die happy. you can't take money or materialistic, capitalist, bullshit to the grave, but you can leaveeeee an influence!!! and all i need is the opportunity.

lemme pause to say fuck justin. FUCK HIM! except for the fact that he's gonna inspire so many songs... thanks for the heartbreak i guess? i would say that he was a shit drummer but he was actually pretty good. whatever... enough about justin.

anyway. we also hit 600k listeners on spotify?? what the fuck?? we haven't even dropped a full album yet. and then we can go on tour n shit?? i'm literally screaming as i write this. marce is prob gonna run into the room second now. anyway, tomorrow the band is gonna throw a party celebrating all of the shit we've accomplished over the 2 years we've all been together. oh shit marcie is here, hold on.

i'm back. man, it's been a hell of a time. ITS ONLY BEEN 2 YEARS. we did this much in 2 years.

mom said i was gonna regret not going to college but i highly doubt that now. fucking look at us!

this is just the beginning.

that's all for tonight journal.

-haven :)

joy speaks!

first chapter done!! how do we feel?

i've had this idea for literally a year, but it wasn't originally a fan fic. the first 2 chapters were already written, i just wanted to finish this story after i remembered it existed.

covid didn't happen in this universe btw.

anywayyyy first person pov is in two days! stay tuned!

bye <3


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