9. i might've kissed him.

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER NINEnarrative, imessage!

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narrative, imessage!

i don't like the fact that i'm still thinking about it. i don't like how heavy it's weighing down on me. and i don't like that the kiss was with the one person i wasn't supposed to do it with. to make matters worse, i forgot that vinnie's room was right across from mine. i already went into his room to get hera when i heard from jules that he wouldn't be joining us on the tour bus and would be back later. however, i really needed someone to talk to about this and give me advice.

that's exactly how i winded up at marcie's hotel room door and knocked on it. seconds later, it opened. "haven? what's up?" she said, clearly confused about my presence. knowing me, i always try to go to sleep directly after a show, but what is on my mind is going to prevent me from sleeping. i needed to talk to someone about it.

"i'm goin' through it." i sighed as i leaned against her door frame.

"huh? come in," she ushered me inside. i took the liberty to plop myself down on her couch. "okay, spill."

"it's about vinnie." i said bluntly. her eyes widened.

"uh oh." she replied warily, knowing that this is going to be interesting.

"i might've kissed him." i said, wincing with my eyes closed.

i heard marcie gasp, "haven what? when did that even happen?"

"right before the encore. you, carson, and axel went off to get water, vinnie and i stayed close to the stage. he ran up to me, fucking high on adrenaline and hugged me. spun me around n' shit. he stopped spinning but didn't let go of me. one thing led to another, and we kissed." i explained, ending with a sigh.

"damn, that's heavy." she breathed in through her teeth.

"i know." i groaned.

"did you like it?" she wiggled her eyebrows.

i rolled my eyes, "of course i liked it. why wouldn't i?" i shrugged.

"then what's wrong?" she questioned, not understanding what my dilemma is.

"it wasn't the action that was the problem. it was his reaction." i elaborated. her eyes widened once again.

"what did he do?" almost scared to hear my answer.

"he ran away." i said, putting my head into my knees as i pulled my legs up to the couch and wrapped my arms around them.

"huh?!" her jaw dropped quickly.

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