10. i can't fucking do this.

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER TENnarrative!

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i liked her instagram post, but i didn't feel like it was appropriate to comment on it and pretend that everything was okay.

because it wasn't.

i couldn't really tell you why i reacted the way i did. i don't know what's stopping me from pursuing something with haven. but, it doesn't matter now because i single-handedly ruined it.

the fucking look on her face when she realized i regretted what i did. she looked so hurt, and i was the one to cause that. saying that i felt like shit would be an understatement; she didn't deserve any second of that.

i decided to take a walk after the concert with the approval of jules, to take my mind off of things. some fresh cold air could help right?

shivering slightly in my light jacket, i walked around the silent town for a bit, contemplating everything that has lead up to this moment. how good everything was with her. how i was falling for her, and i fucked it up. badly.

all was quiet and eerie until, "vinnie?" someone called from behind me.


fuck no.

i remember that voice.

i stopped dead in my tracks. "vinnie?" she called again as she tapped me on my shoulder. i didn't want to turn around, but i did anyway. i was not happy by the sight. "hey, i thought it was you." she smiled as if she's never done anything wrong in our past.

"stephanie." i nodded curtly, not really wanting to interact with her. we've had our time together. i don't want to relive that.

"you know, i've been thinking about you. i missed you." she said seductively. it pissed me off even more. how can she sit here and pretend like nothing happened?

i scoffed, "yeah, whatever. i have a lot on my mind right now, i'm not trying to-" i attempted to walk away, but she grabbed my arm.

"i can take your mind off of things." she proposed and i froze.


hold on, i'm not seriously contemplating this, am i?

she hurt me. so much. completely unforgivable. but, i want a distraction. i don't want to think about haven right now. i want to forget about what happened. i want to forget about how much of a fuck up i am.

"fine." i said and her eyes lit up.

"great! let's go to your place." she grabbed my hand as i took out my phone to order an uber.

𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 ➵ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now