11. what the hell happened?

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER ELEVENimessage!

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marciepoo 🔒
today at 1:03 am

havenpoo 🔒
he definitely doesn't like me.

marciepoo 🔒
what the hell happened?

havenpoo 🔒
first i walked up to him and asked him to talk
and he said he was "busy"

marciepoo 🔒
busy with what...

havenpoo 🔒
that's what i said lmao.
and he said
it was none of my business

marciepoo 🔒

havenpoo 🔒
haha 😆
it doesn't end there!

marciepoo 🔒

havenpoo 🔒
i guess i kept pressing and he got mad
so he said
i DONT want to talk to you.

marciepoo 🔒
what the fuck.

havenpoo 🔒
do you think it ends there?

marciepoo 🔒
i hope so?????

havenpoo 🔒

marciepoo 🔒
what happened then

havenpoo 🔒
well besides the fact that he shut the door in my face.
a girl comes walking out of his room! LOL

marciepoo 🔒
oh my god

havenpoo 🔒
and it gets worse! 😄

marciepoo 🔒

havenpoo 🔒
guess who the girl was

marciepoo 🔒
a groupie??

havenpoo 🔒
it was!!!
his!!!! ex!!!
haha!!! 😄

marciepoo 🔒
my jaw dropped.

havenpoo 🔒
i want to cry!!! 😄

marciepoo 🔒
oh haven :(
i'm so sorry

havenpoo 🔒
it's okay
it's not like we were dating or anything so
he can do whatever he wants

marciepoo 🔒
that's not fair tho
he literally kissed you a couple HOURS ago
then he goes to fuck his ex?? that's so unfair

havenpoo 🔒
i guess
maybe it's just me tho
maybe i'm the problem
i mean think about it
all of my relationships have failed
i was cheated on for gods sake
it's probably me

marciepoo 🔒
knock it off.
knock it the fuck off.
it's not you

havenpoo 🔒
how is it not
i'm the common factor in all of this

marciepoo 🔒
nah the common factor is that men fucking suck

havenpoo 🔒
but vinnie doesn't suck

marciepoo 🔒
i agree actually
he's a good guy that did a REALLY shitty thing
BUT if he cant appreciate how great you are, he doesnt deserve you
at ALL.
you shouldnt waste your time with that energy.
you've had enough of that with j*stin 🤮

havenpoo 🔒
thank you for censoring his name
also another problem
i have his cat in my room rn
how am i supposed to give her back

marciepoo 🔒
i can come to your room first thing to hand her to him
so you don't have to talk to him

havenpoo 🔒
thank you bae

marciepoo 🔒
of course ml
get some sleep okay
i'll talk to u in the morning

havenpoo 🔒
i love you marce

marciepoo 🔒
i love u too hay <3

joy speaks!

marcie is so sweet :( i need her in my life immediately

im sorry for being away for so long and it's a short chapter i knowwww but i didn't want to make it a double update unfortunately :/

bye <3


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