2. auditions.

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER TWOnarrative!

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today, jules, the band, and i are conducting day two of the auditions for the drummer position we were offering.

last week, specifically the day after i went to the record store and saw the attractive man named vinnie, we spent the remainder of the day printing flyers and posting on our social media about the auditions. jules also found drummers through mutual connections that were willing to try out. the next day, we were going around new york city to put our flyers on any surface imaginable.

the audition consists of a self-composed drum sequence, and the person will try to learn one of our drum sequences by ear and play with the band to see how they'll fit in with the group. we wished andy was able to come, but he had to go to a doctors appointment for his baby. it was a really tiring experience.

"thanks for coming! we'll let you know when we make our decision." i said for what seems like the hundredth time, but I still kept a smile on
my face. i was tired because of this long day, but it was a fun process.

i'm lying.

"so what did you guys think about that person?" jules recited for what was also felt like the hundredth time and looked around the room to read our faces. we've had some good and okay people in our auditions but no one stuck out to us. this last person fell into the 'well below okay' section of our rankings. that's also being generous.

"it was definitely an audition!" marcie, our rhythm guitarist, exclaimed with a big sarcastic smile. quickly, she dropped her face and said, "i think we can all agree that this last person was not qualified for this position. at all."

"i think i could play the drums better. and that says a lot." axel is a lead and he rarely touches a drum set, and when he does, it's not a beautiful experience, to say the least. so yes, it's very telling when the lead guitarist is confident that he can play the drums better than a so-called 'drummer'.

"i think we should choose that person who auditioned yesterday; you know, the one with the curly red hair?" carson, our bass guitarist, offered. he paused to recall the name, "his name was joseph, i think." jules, axel, marcie, and andy nodded to his statement whilst i just let out a huff.

"yeah, but joseph was just alright. and so was everyone before him. i really don't want to choose a drummer that we think is just alright, i want to have someone that we all like and can vibe with, you know?" i said as i blew out a sigh and slouched in my chair, exasperated with the fact that we may have to bite the bullet and fucking settle. i probably looked like a child on the verge of a tantrum instead of the twenty-four year old woman that i am, but i feel like this situation calls for some frustration.

𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 ➵ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now