12. she did?

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER TWELVEnarrative!

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it was about eight in the morning when i heard a knock on my door. i rolled the covers off my body and begrudgingly made the tired walk to the door, checking the peep hole before i opened it.

to my surprise, it was marcie holding hera and petting her head softly. i opened the door, "marcie?" i asked, reaching my hands out to her, indicating that i wanted to pick up hera.

"i come bearing gifts." she said as she handed her over to me. as soon as i got her, i set her down on the floor and she jumped on the bed, cuddling into it.

"yeah, thank you. i'll see you later." i smiled and waved at her as i tried to shut the door, but she stuck her foot out, stopping it from closing completely.

"not so fast. i need to talk to you." she said before she pushed the door open wider and walked inside.

"okay...?" i said, completely confused as to why she would need to talk to me, especially this early in the morning.

she sat down on the couch and sighed, "it's about haven." she folded her hands in her lap, in a way that felt extremely confrontational. i'd be lying if i said that my heart wasn't beating quicker. i sat down on the chair next to the couch, turning to face marcie.

"what about her?" i asked, even though deep down, i knew exactly what this was about.

"about what happened after the concert. she told me everything. what the hell was that about?" she asked, not sounding completely angry, but she still had a stern and curious look on her face.

i couldn't find the right words to respond to that, because even i don't know. "uh-"

"never mind that because i know you don't know either—"

how the fuck did she know that...

"—haven saw a girl walk out of your room. your ex to be specific." she raised her eyebrows as she told me the one thing i did not want to hear.

my heart dropped to my fucking stomach, "fuck, she did?" i furrowed my eyebrows at the girl in front of me.

"mhm. what the hell was that about?" she threw her hands up in the air in disappointment. i can't blame her.

i sighed as i looked down to my lap, "she—stephanie—saw me when i was taking a walk and i had a lot on my mind. i... was going to hook up with her. but i didn't and told her to leave. i thought haven went inside her room by then. i didn't think she would see that." i explained, even though my version wasn't completely great either.

marcie scoffed, "well, she did see that, and now she fully thinks that you dislike her. 'i don't want to talk to you.' why were you being so mean?"

i shook my head, "i don't know. i don't know where any of that came from. i guess i got scared?" i shrugged.

"well, scared or not, you hurt her. i know you guys weren't official or anything... but she's sensitive. she really wanted to talk to you, but you shut her down."

i hurt her.

"i know, and i feel so fucking bad." would it be pathetic to say that i really wanted to cry right now? because i do.

marcie sighed as she got up from the couch and walked to the door, "i know you do. you're a good guy, vinnie. and i can tell you like haven a lot; even if you won't admit it. you guys are really good for each other."

"i need to talk to her." i said to myself more than to her, but she still responded.

"you do. maybe don't do it on the tour bus though. give her some time. maybe after the concert. but i'm telling you: if you ever fuck up and hurt her again, i will hurt you," she threatened, her eyes narrowing. "pack your bags. we leave at ten." she said before she walked out of my room.

what the fuck do i do now?

joy speaks!

vinnie try not to be an idiot challenge GO!

also marcie is so goated it's not even funny like...

i can't even lie. y'all might hate me for the next chapter but!!!!!!! that's just too bad :/

IM SORRYYYY for the late updates but i'll see ygs soon!!!

bye <3


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