14. justin?

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER FOURTEENnarrative!

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i couldn't bring myself to give a lot of energy to vinnie's introduction. why would i when every time i interact with him it's either been awkward as fuck, or one of us gets hurt. i'm sure he noticed my lack of enthusiasm when i introduced him.

i still can't tell if it's deserved or not.

i ignored everyone after the show ended. i sighed as i made my way into my dressing room, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead as i plopped onto the small couch in the room. minutes later, i changed out of my clothes into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. i couldn't be bothered with looking presentable at the moment.

all i could think about was vinnie, vinnie, vinnie. where the fuck did things go wrong and why did he have to lead me on? better yet, why can't he talk to me about it?

i was so pre-occupied with my thoughts, that i almost missed the knocking at my door.

i even cursed myself for thinking it could be vinnie on the other side.

i drowsily made my way to the door, completely exasperated from tonight's show. all i wanted to do was crawl under my comforter and fall asleep for hours.

absolutely nothing could've prepared me for the person who was behind this door. my heart dropped to my feet as i saw who was now standing in front of me.

"justin?" i whispered, completely baffled. how the fuck is he here? how did he get back here?

someone needs to be fired.

"in the flesh," he smiled. i contemplated slamming the door in his face. "can i come in?" he asked gently.

"i don't think that's a good idea."

"i just want to talk to you. it's been so long, baby."

"don't call me that," i said sternly. there was a pause of silence; mostly me contemplating whether or not i should let him inside.

after a quick moment of self deliberation, "make it quick, okay?" i sighed as i opened the door wider for him to walk into the room. i left it slightly open just in case i would need to leave quickly.

he took the liberty of plopping down on the couch, spreading his legs wide. "sit down." he said, making me scoff.

"no. you have two minutes to talk about whatever nonsense you want to spew. i'm serious, justin. i don't have the time for this."

"yeah, i know ms. rockstar is busy," he stood up from the couch, taking slow steps towards me, "i miss you, baby."

"i don't."

he frowned, taking one more step until we stood toe to toe. "we were so good together, ven." he tucked loose strands of my hair behind my ear, his hand lingering.

"are you forgetting your emotional manipulation and abuse? the lying? fucking cheating on me? we were not good together, justin." i pushed his hand away from my face and took a step back.

"we should try again. i'll make things right. that fucking drummer isn't shit." he pointed to the side.

i paused for a second, "what does vinnie have to do with this?" i asked defensively, crossing my arms over my chest.

"i've heard the rumors between you two. he's just a nobody. he's not good enough for you."

"our relationship is none of your business."

he scoffed, "oh, so you have a relationship with him? huh."

"no, that's not— so what if we did? it doesn't concern you. you're no one to me. i got over you." i walked up to him to point my finger in the center of his chest.

"you'll see, haven. he'll break your heart, that son of a bitch. he isn't shit."

"don't talk about him like that!" i shoved him back. "i think it's time for you to leave."

"fine," he said, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. "this is my new number. call me when that wannabe fucks up." he finalized before walking out of the door and slamming it shut.

what the fuck is my life?

joy speaks!

havens pov... putting things into perspective i fear.
im also sorry its so short i just didn't know what else to include 😭 it is supposed to be a short story, so its most likely gonna be under 3hrs but yeahhh

expect an update b4 the end of march!! hopefully.

bye guys 🥰

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