15. you're a liar.

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER FIFTEENnarrative!

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we were currently in LA for a two day, back to back show. our first concert was yesterday and it was extremely successful. the crowd was lovely and welcoming; everything i've ever hoped for.

the only problem with the tour so far was vinnie. we had been avoiding each other like the plague. we were only in close proximity to each other when we had to; any other occurrence, we were as far apart from each other as possible.

at this point, our friends have one hundred percent realized the animosity transpiring between the two of us, but they try to make sure it doesn't completely kill the vibe between the group and hinder our performances.

instead of staying in a hotel, i decided to go to my apartment that i have in the area. i convinced myself that i wanted to be in the comfort of my own home, but a smaller part of me knew that i didn't want to be in the same building as vinnie.

in a quest to find a place for breakfast, we ended up going to some random, old-fashioned diner we saw while driving the streets of los angeles. we figured no one would recognize us here.

we made small talk as we were waiting for our orders to be placed in front of us. the conversation was lively; the only person not included in it was vinnie. i was trying my best not to look at him, but it was difficult when he was seated directly in front of me. at some points, i could feel his eyes on me, studying me. he would only chime in when he was asked a question or nodding in agreement of something.

i came to the conclusion that he was quiet because of me, and i wasn't quite sure why.

minutes later, hot plates of breakfast food was placed in front of each of us. i decided to get a stack of pancakes and bacon, and some tea to go with it. vinnie got something identical to mine, besides the black coffee he ordered.

axel ended up going on a tangent about how he kept seeing couple videos pop up on his tiktok for you page and how much it was irritating him.

"i'm so painfully single it physically hurts me." axel expressed dramatically, but he's so real, i couldn't complain. in between vinnie and i's... situation, and justin being a pain in my ass, it's safe to say i'm not having much luck in the relationship world.

"amen to that." i said, holding my half-full mug in agreeement.

everyone at the table nodded. everyone except for fucking vinnie. instead of voicing his agreement, he scoffed. scoffed at me. then whispered something under his breath that i couldn't catch.

tired of his attitude, i spoke up, "do you have something to say?"

"you're a liar."

it was dead silent at the table for a second. the only sound heard was the scraping of utensils from carson's plate. he was staring at the situation, amusement in his eyes as he munched on an omelet.

"excuse me?" i said slowly after the pause of silence.

"you're a fucking liar." and he left it at that. his audacious ass abruptly stood up from his seat, gathered his jacket, and walked out of the restaurant.

i sat still in my seat, mentally processing what had just transpired between us. what the fuck did he mean? i'm a liar? what was i lying about? i'd like to think i'm an honest person.

everyone at the table was either staring at me or the door that he just walked out of. i turned to marcie, who had a sympathetic expression.

"i'll... be right back." i said quietly, standing up from my seat and heading to the front door of the restaurant.

i caught up to him quickly, "you're throwing a fucking tantrum—vinnie, what the fuck is your problem?" i shouted as he was walking away, presumably in the direction of his hotel.

that was miles away.

he stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. "my problem is you. you led me on." he said, venom hanging off every word, walking up to me with such a glare that i swear if he had some sort of laser powers, i'd be dead.

"what the fuck are you talking about? you're the one who led me on." i pointed an accusatory finger at him and he scoffed.

"what about you and your ex? huh? i saw you guys together backstage." he said as if he one-upped me.

i sighed in frustration, "i don't even know how he got back there! i don't know what part of it you saw, but if you stayed the whole time, you'd see me telling him to get out." i crossed my arms over my chest. i saw the irritated look on his face vanish, and it was replaced with guilt.



he was silent for a second, several thoughts passing through his head. "haven, didn't know."

"yeah, i know you didn't. and you wanna know what's funny? i didn't do anything with justin. can you say the same about stephanie?" i said as raised my eyebrows at him. he stayed silent. "do you know how humiliated i felt when i saw her leave your room?"

he held his head down in shame. "no."

"well, i felt really fucking humiliated. the fact that you kissed me, and the same night you go running back to your ex? am i really that bad?" i started to feel myself get emotional. my eyes were pricking with tears that i prayed wouldn't fall, but one decided to escape.

i felt completely and utterly pathetic.

"no, haven, you're not. i was being a fucking idiot, okay? i was trying to forget about you and-"

i've heard enough. "way to make a girl feel good, vinnie," i scoffed. "you know, my friends warned me to stay away from you. to not pursue anything. and i guess they were right." i said purposefully. i meant what i said. i wasn't trying to get hurt again. vinnie is a great guy, with good intentions, but maybe it's not meant to be? maybe i don't deserve love.

"haven-" he called out to me, but i was already on my way to my car.

i heard footsteps from behind me. "haven, please!" he pleaded, but i was already at my car door.

"please don't go." he said from the passenger side of the car. i looked at his glossed over eyes as i opened my door, got in, and locked the car. i started it, giving him one last look before i pulled off back to my apartment.

joy speaks!

haha hey... 😁

i'm sorry for being gone so long, honestly i forgot abt this book 😭 then i remembered a couple days ago and i was like !!!! i should probably write a chapter 🤫 i am going to finish this book, just remember that the updates won't be consistent!!

also vinnie and haven angst 😬 womp womp

this is not proof read.

ill see u guys soon (probably not actually)!

bye bye :)


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