3. our drummer.

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅CHAPTER THREEnarrative!play the song when you see the ***

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play the song when you see the ***


to say 'i was nervous' is an understatement.

i was really fucking nervous. i tried to play it cool in front of haven. i dont know how good of a job i did; i hope i did okay. but i was anxious as fuck. i don't really know why i signed myself up for this overwhelming anxiety, but i felt like i needed to prove myself. not only to her, but to myself.

i might be regretting it now.

i wasn't lying when i said i was good at the drums. i know i am. it eases some of the anxiety, but not all of it of course. i mean fuck, this is a huge band. am i cut out for this?

i checked my watch, it showing me that it was eleven fifty-nine. i shook my head as i stood outside of the recording studio. i could completely ditch this whole plan and disappoint not only myself but haven and the rest of her bandmates too, or i could stop being a fucking pussy and walk into the building.

i decided on the latter and forced my feet and legs to move me into the building. i was immediately met with a very modern interior with a handful of security guards, and the receptionist who haven told me to go to.

i walked up to the desk, not without the several security guards staring me down however.

"hello, i'm here for lavender veins. my name is vinnie." i said to the friendly-looking lady.

"amazing! they're all upstairs, you're just on time though! don't worry. what's your last name?"

"hacker." i said. she looked at me oddly before nodding her head, typing something on the computer.

"okay, vinnie hacker," she said quickly as she was handing me some type of id lanyard with my name on it. "this is for you to wear at all times so everyone knows you're supposed to be here. just go through those gates to the right and take the elevator to the fifteenth floor. go to room fifteen o' two. good luck!" she dismissed me.

"thank you very much." i nodded before going in the direction she pointed me to.

i showed my id to the two security guards at the gates; they opened it, prompting me to go to the elevator and press the button.

i waited a good ten seconds for the elevator to arrive. the doors opened quickly, startling me slightly. i'm not quite sure how long i waited to step in, but the doors started to close.

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