By His Side.

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(spicy fucking dies au)

(Part 2 of How Can Cupid Be So Cruel? - you can re-read it as a refresher if you forgot what happened)

(TW/CW: Su!c!dal Thoughts, AND IMPLIED SU!C!DE AT THE END-)

(Crafty's Perspective)

"What is wrong with you?! He was just trying to talk to you, and you respond like THAT. I get it, you're grieving and all that, but WE ALL FUCKING ARE TOO! You aren't the only one."

"..." I looked down at the floor, as Bombs continued yelling, drowning it all out in my head. He's right... I lashed out at Alex, and for what reason? God, Spicy would be disappointed in what I've become...

All of those memories of us, laughing with each other, joking, and being... perfect for each other. I miss it. I miss him. We were... it's complicated.

"Hey, you!" one of the purple-blue books exclaimed, walking towards me, foloowed by a cyan-yellow book. "I'm Spicy! You seem cool, who are you?" the purple-blue book asked.

I- oh, Bombs left. Maybe he remembered going to eat, I don't know. I sighed, looking at the ground. What... what have I become...? He really would be disappointed...

"So join him."
"What...?" I muttered, stepping back. I swear I heard something, but no-one else was there...
"If you miss him so much, then join him."

"Oh, hi there Spicy! I'm... Crafty." I replied, looking into his eyes. They... they seemed to sparkle...
"Heh, I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends."
"Yeah... great friends..."

...Maybe I should. "Yeah, go on! We can't leave him all alone in the afterlife, can we?"
"...I'm sorry." I then slowly looked back up at the food that Alex had brought up for me. Heh, guess that'll be my last meal.

I- Oh my... "Spicy, you... YOU WON!" I ran out, hugging onto him.
"See, Cary? The voters agreed that we only had to misspell every word. Also, Crafty, you know what that means?"

"You bet we did! Hmm... I'm wondering what you're gonna make your new book design." Oh, I have the perfect plan for that, Spiky.

I've never ate so fast in my life before... I guess it was the excitement. To reunite with him. Spicy... "We'll be back together soon..." I whispered to myself.

"I... did you make it my original colours?" Spicy asked, looking at my new look. "I mean, it's good, but was that your inspiration?"
"Well, yeah..." I answered, trying not to blush but oh Riley I couldn't-

I was done. Well, time to get the note. I've had the rope ready for a while... guess I forgot about it. I took out a piece of paper, and wrote down a few simple words.

'This wasn't because of you, Alex. And I mean that. It was bound to happen eventually, one way or another. Just know that I did it because I loved him more than anything.'

"Wh- Crafty?"
"Well, guess that's it. Eh, not too mad, kinda expected it." I sighed, smiling. "It was fun, just to let you know." I added, before Spicy hugged onto me.

"Crafty, please... no..."
"Hey, hey... Spiky, just... don't pressure yourself too much, okay? I'l always be rooting for you..."
"..." Spicy began crying a little. "Thank you..."

'If anything, it was me who could've done more. For him. Just know that we were inseperable, and even death couldn't keep us apart. We'll always be the best of friends, maybe... maybe more.'

"It's just... I just can't get any good response ideas!" Spicy cried out, looking at the ground. "I just... I bet I'm next to go." he added.
"D-Don't say that..." I began, holding onto his hand. "

I'm sure you'll have a great idea eventually... besides, didn't Cary introduce asterisks? You could use that!"
"Hmm, you're right about that, Crafty..." Spicy replied, smiling.

I was done. Now... I should shut my door for this. I can't have anyone interfering. I will see him again. I grabbed ahold of the rope that I had kept hidden. I guess I had it around in case of 'emergencies', like this.

I pulled it around the lamp in my room, and tightened the knot. Finally... it'll all be back together. Me and Spicy, just the two of us. I cried a little. Is this... is this really it?

"No matter what Spiky, I promise I'll always be here for you. Even if I'm not in this competition, like how I am now. But I will always be here for you."

"...I'm keeping the promise."





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