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Every women can bear a child but not every women can be a mother.

Every women is alike. They only know how to betray and backstab.

And if you love and trust a women, you surely are doomed.

These were his views regarding women, a sexist, who didn't trust womankind and despised them from the core of his heart. He didn't believe in love. Love was just like a fairytale to him. A fairytale which he didn't believe in.

He was Shehryaar Haider Syed.

Over the years, his beliefs got stronger and stronger. He was adamant about what he believed in. Every women which came into her life firmed his beliefs. He was sure what he believes in is nothing but truth. He took women as fucktoys and nothing else. He thought that not any woman exist in this world who could change his reviews about her kind.

Until he met her.

The fire met with a fire and none of them was able to extinguish themselves.


"You've to sign this contract Sheharzaad." He declared, sitting proudly in front of her while she just continued to wriggle against the ropes which strongly gripped her.

"You and your contract both can go to hell. I'd never agree to this!" She spatted with venom in her voice. Her state disheveled with her messy hairs demonstrating the amount of times he has roughly gripped her hair, her lips slitted a bit from a side indicating his harsh slaps whenever she disrespected him and her voice croaky yet confident indicating her bone crushing sobs and wails whenever she was alone in this warehouse.

"My Shehrzaad." He said pensively, his eyes focused on hers.

A fire of fear erupted in her heart when her name rolled off his tongue so smoothly, signalling her that his sadistic mind is upto something.

He stood up and moved towards her causing her to instantly turn her head to the the other side manifesting her disdain for him. Reaching her, he roughly pulled her head back and dugged his fingers into her cheeks causing her lips to pucker out. He moved closer and closer, until his face was parallel to hers.

And then his features morphed as he unlocked the real demon inside him causing her heart to beat erratically as the mask of her strong facade begin to go off.

His eyes showed the glint of anger.

While hers were somehow trying to express calmness and fearlessness.

The lethal and pure combination of Grey against grey.

"It's totally upon you if you don't want to agree,"

His lips smirked. An evil smirk, which was enough for her to know he is upto no good.

Grabbing her hair from the nape of her neck, he placed his knee in between her legs and moved his lips closer to her ear.

"But I'll kill that friend of yours." He whispered and a lone tear escaped her eye.

"I won't be your mistress," she managed to whisper.

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