2. Catching his eye

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Her grey eyes anxiously moved around, portraying her anxiety. She was getting breathless with every second, unable to believe her luck. Her fingers were getting shaky and small droplets of sweat popped by the root of her hair though she was sitting in a chilled room

Why would God favor her so much?

The question again struck her mind. She was fervently hoping that no blunder would occur and she would get the post without any hindrance. Because if she lost this golden opportunity, never she would ever be able to gather money for Amna's operation on time.

Her friend would die. Just like everyone around her died. She would be left alone.

This job was a matter of life and death for her. In front of Amna, often she would act like she was jolly and fine but her internal state was only revealed to her God.

HE was the one aware of her sleepless nights full of anxiety. Amna's recovery was on her mind all the time. There was not a single day in her life when she had not worked enough to earn some money. Let it be a minor and non-considerable amount. From working as a waitress in cafes and getting subjected to the hungry eyes of men to take part in every competition, her university hosted she went to all lengths to get a little share of money. She did everything in her power but that was not enough.

If she continued to make money at such a speed, she was sure, by the time the full amount for her operation would be in her hands, Amna would be six feet under the ground. And she, herself would have progressed in her age that this young time of youth had passed a long time ago. Maybe she would be 40 or 50? Who knows?

It was this much necessary for her to get this job. And merely thinking of the possibility that she won't be able to make it to the post, her anxiety was getting increased with every second.

"Mr. Atif Ishaq, it's your turn," The calm and professional sound of the woman came off of from the speaker instilled at the top of an automatic door in the waiting room. "Please enter the CEO's office after five minutes of return of the previous candidate. Thankyou,"

The man, Atif, who was next in turn stood up from the comfortable sofa and began to stroll left and right, rubbing his hands together.

She was able to deduce, he also wanted this job as much as she did. But she hoped, he was not as desperate as her.

To get a job in Syed's enterprises was a dream of millions and getting called for an interview was a golden opportunity itself. So she could understand the people's aspirations and expectations linked with getting the job in this company. And the post of secretary was considered as a second hand to the CEO. His secretary should be sharp, able, quick-witted, hard-working with a sea of knowledge regarding everything. The post demanded so much but it also gives one so much.

After a few moments, the previous candidate whose name was apparently Ijaz, entered the waiting room. Every eye landed on him. The guy, Atif, quickly walked towards him and began to ask him questions about the interview and CEO.

"How was it? What were the questions? Do you think, would you get selected? Please tell us about it," He bombarded him with questions.

"Yes please. What kind of a guy was CEO? Was he nice? Soft spoken or angry?"

"What do you think are their priorities for selecting someone?"

The others asked.

"I don't know man. I don't know. His face was stoic all the time. Not even an iota of an expression came on his face. I was clueless whether he was satisfied or not."

"What kind of guy was the CEO?" Someone asked again.

"I don't know. But whenever he would interrupt you in the middle of your answer, know it, you were lying and he caught it. So advising everyone beforehand, don't lie. Don't try to show yourself as master of all. My answers would collide with my own answers, unbelievably," he stated as in shock, "They would morph the questions in such a way that my previous answer would be counter to my next answer. They have the tendency to catch lies. Their questionnaire is that way. The same question would be repeated in such a way that you would never know that you answered the same type of question just a few moments ago. So be yourself, be who you are and don't lie," He advised everyone.

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