1. Her&him

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"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Sheharzaad screamed as soon as she cut the call, jumping up and down before running towards her friend's room.

She opened the door and barged in, she was smiling brightly, her grey eyes sparkling with happiness.

"What happened shehar?" her friend asked who was laying on the bed.

She was getting paler day by day, the dark circles were getting more and more prominent and her cheek bones were protruding out.

"Amna! Amna! I'm selected for the interview!" she announced wholeheartedly.

"Really?!" Amna's dead eyes twinkled immediately and a small smile adorned her features.

"Yes! Really!" she squealed with joy, jumping up and down with excitement.

Her wild and care free nature was only revealed to her closed ones which only included her closest friend, Amna.

"From where and what will be your job shehar?" Amna asked, trying to sit up when she helped her and sat beside her.

"They have called me for interview, its from Syed enterprises. Remember I applied for the vacant post of assistant to CEO" she excitedly said.

"Syed enterprises?" Amna asked with widened eyes. She couldn't believe it that Sheharzaad was talking about that famous company. It was a multi national company which involved many countries across the globe and many youngsters died to get a job in this company.

"Yes Amna! Yes! Our life is going to change now. I still can't believe it they had called me. Pinch me hard." she forwarded her hand.

"When will you grow up shehar?" Amna said and pinched on her arm, hard.

"Oww...stupid." she squealed making her laugh.

"When is your interview?"

"Tomorrow! Oh Shit! Shit! Shit! I've nothing to wear. And now I want to die!" she briskly said and quickly stood up moving towards her room so she could dive in her cupboard and find something to wear.

While Amna just chuckled behind and prayed for her.

Sheharzaad was an extremely hardworking and a career focused student. She was always dead set on achieving her goals. Her whole life had always revolved around studies and just studies so she could be a successful woman one day and getting a call from a multi national company was her dream which got fulfilled today.

She completed her degree two months ago and meanwhile worked in a cafe to pay the rent of apartment in which they both were living. She was like a a lone soul in this world when she met, Amna. Four years back, her parents died in a car accident. She was devestated, her world crumbled that day and she had no idea what would happen to her. Her parents left her with a small piece of land which she sold out with the help of Asad, his neighbour. He was man in his mid fifties, extremely humble and well acquainted with Sheharzaad's family. Also, he was the one who bore all the expenses of her parents funeral.

Sheharzaad had no aunt neither any uncle, her parents were also the single child to her grandparents. And she didn't has much idea of her other relatives so the funeral included only the neighbourhood. On that upcoming week, she had gotten a call for scholarship in a university where she applied for admission in Lahore. And then she left her city leaving for Lahore, forever, with the small amount of money she got after selling the small property.

When she got the room at her hostel, she met Amna who was her room mate. Amna was two years older than her and she, too like her was a free bird, her grandmother brought her up, who died the last year, due to which Amna couldn't clear the entrance test and had to wait for an year. Slowly and gradually they both became best friends more like sisters. Amna was always like an elder sister to Sheharzaad. Sheharzaad used to blabber and Amna would listen her endless stories, endlessly. Taking her out of troubles, advising her, scolding her for not cleaning her bed and much more. When they both had completed their degree, they rented a small apartment when Amna met love of her life, Ahmed, who worked in a bank and they both got engaged.

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