6. Framed

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The whole night he kept on turning sides on his bed. Whenever he would close his eyes, her face would come infront him. All the scenes kept on playing in his mind. The moment when he first saw her, when she crashed into his chest. In the lift, her saving the child that day and at the hotel when he killed that person who was aiming gun at her.

He was unaware himself why he did what he did. He could have let that person kill her and it won't bother him but his hands had moved on their own and shot that man.

And of today when her eyes helplessly stared at him, asking for his help. The thing that created a spark in him was recalling the moment when her eyes connected with his. His heart had skipped a beat unknowingly.

What was happening to him?

Had he began to like her?

He shrugged the thought away. It was all because of that bastard Zaroon that had made him about her. Pretty much it was an infatuation and it could get out of his system only by a single fuck. He was sure about that.

He tried to sleep once again but her face came infront his closed eyes once again. Sighing, he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb. He couldn't understand why was he getting restless? And not being able to gauge out the reason behind his restlessness was making him more restless.

He knew sleep was far far from him, so he got up, wore his shirt and went into the gym for work out.

That night again he had again called a woman to fulfil his desires but this time around, even the pleasure wasn't giving the satisfaction he wanted.

He wanted someone else.


Sheharzaad couldn't sleep the whole night too. She had hugged Amna tightly and kept on crying in her lap. She knew Amna would get stressed and her stress could worsen her condition but Sheharzaad wanted comfort. She knew she was being selfish but she can't always put up the mask of being strong and steadfast. She was also a human. She also had the right to breakdown.

"Please, Shehar, please don't cry, my life. God will give us justice," Amna tried to comfort her but Sheharzaad hugged her more tightly afraid Rafay would come again. He would repeat all those things with her again. After what happened with her today, she knew she won't be able to live and feel like a normal person again. She knew she won't be able to trust any person. She was broken. She was this close from getting raped.


Was she about to get raped?

She never thought that such a situation would befell on her. She wasn't even out of the trauma of what happened at the hotel that night and she came across a new one. But this one was worst than the last one.

Atleast nobody had touched her, nobody had kissed her, nobody had snapped her scarf away from her. She was pure and nobody tainted her purity but now she felt as if a black spot had been marred on her chastity. She felt impure and disgusted of her own self. She felt as if someone came and took away her dignity.

"Amna," her croaky voice said

"Yes, sheharzaad?"

"Please, h..help me shower. He... he touched me, he...t..touched me," she croaked out.

"Sure, sure. Come on, get up,"

Sheharzaad had taken a bath to remove his touch but still she could feel the lingering feeling on her body. She so wanted to scream loudly, her heart was breaking into pieces. Nobody had ever touched her the way that bastard did.

She felt hopeless


Her whole night was spent in praying and she had given Amna sleeping pills so she could sleep. When she was done with her prayers she laid her head on the prayer matt and sleep did come to her.

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